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What to do When You Start Questioning Your Beliefs

Thoughts For the Christian Teen Who’s Struggling With Doubt

Doubt is a scary place to be. It’s the unexpected intersection you encounter when you think you’re on the path to truth. Suddenly, you’re not sure which way to go, paralyzed by the realization that you now have two choices, and only one is correct.

That’s what it’s like when you start questioning your beliefs.

You’re not alone. For many Christians, the teen years signal their first encounter with the intersection of doubt. Perhaps you grew up under the watch of Christian parents. Jesus’ love—and his existence for that matter—were never in question. You went to church because your parents said you had to, bedtime and mealtime prayers were routine, and your future goals included falling in love, getting married, and having children—in that order.

Then you started having questions.

Maybe you didn’t grow up going to church and praying, but you’ve recently encountered someone who says the Big Bang happened when God said, “Let there be light.” Now you’re wondering, “Who is this God?” and, “What am I to him?”

This is the age during which many begin questioning their beliefs and scrutinizing them under a magnifying glass. Are you weak if you are one of those people?

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Questioning Your Beliefs: The Quest For the Truth

Questioning the ideals you were taught as a child is a natural part of maturing into adulthood. “Because I said so” is no longer a viable reason to believe. You want real answers to the hard questions, and guess what? That’s okay! It’s time to decide which side of the fence you stand on. Even Joshua told the Israelites, “If serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve… But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)

Don’t assume your faith is weak simply because you’ve been struggling with doubt.

Don’t assume your faith is weak simply because you’ve been struggling with doubt.

Search for Truth in the Right Place

Thanks to our highly digitized world, you can find the answer to just about every question you have on the internet. But in your search for the truth, don’t overlook the main authority on God: his own true word, the Bible. For every piece of info you gather elsewhere, whether about science, human nature, or moral values, always, always come back to the Bible to check its truthfulness. It’s through God’s word that you can discern whether or not to believe what you’re reading on the internet or hearing from your peers or teachers. 

If you have questions about God, let God answer them!

Can I Trust the Bible?

In your search for the truth, don’t overlook the main authority on God: his own true word.

What if you struggle to understand the Bible or—even more rattling—find yourself questioning the Bible’s accuracy and relevancy?

Yes, that’s okay, too. That means it’s time to seek out an expert in the Bible, and you probably have one nearby. He’s your local pastor. Most ministers welcome the opportunity to answer questions, even tough ones. But if yours won’t, don’t let that be the reason you walk away from faith. Seek out another Bible-believing church. (I can’t vouch for all churches, but I know this one is as Bible-centered as it gets and its website is a good starting place for any questions you have about God.)

When you start questioning your beliefs, you are ready to go deeper.

If you have questions, it’s time to find the answers. Check out more resources for the Christian teens who’s struggling with doubt:

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