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Kane knows what it’s like to have everyone look at you and see what you’ve done instead of who you are.

Claudia doesn’t look at him like that.


a contemporary YA Christian fiction short story series
by Lauren Thell

A Time to Heal, Seasons of Kane

#1: A Time to Heal

Kane doesn’t need the constant whispers and horrified stares to remind him of the accident that claimed the lives of three friends…

He remembers every time he passes a mirror. But when his parents send him to recover at his uncle’s lakeside home in Wisconsin, what begins as a respite from the rumors quickly turns into a prison of solitude.

Then he meets Claudia, the only person who can’t see the glaring evidence of his involvement in the accident. Finally, someone who treats him like a human and not a killer. With her, he can just be Kane again.

But the deeper he gets to know her, the harder it becomes to hide the truth.

A Time to Live, Seasons of Kane 2

#2: A Time to Live

“Why, God? Why me? Why did you pick me to live when everyone else died?”

Of all the questions Kane has about the accident that claimed the lives of three friends, none are more urgent than that. And now, as he returns to Ohio for his final year of high school, he must face the ridicule and hatred of those who are still not convinced of his innocence.

Kane wants to know what happened that night, if for no other reason than to prove to Angela he didn’t kill her sister.

A Time to Wait, Seasons of Kane 3

#3: A Time to Wait

Seventeen-year-old males have no self control. They’re practically feral.

That’s the assumption Kane finds himself rebelling against when Claudia comes to Ohio for Christmas. He’s determined to prove his love for her is real—much deeper than the savage desire expected of guys like him. But as he gets a look at life through the eyes of a blind girl, it becomes about so much more than defying low expectations.

A Time to Tell, seasons of Kane

#4: A Time to Tell

Life is full of choices, especially for someone with a broken face.


Kane’s face—and his entire life—were altered one foggy night two years ago. Another foggy night is about to put a twist in his path again, thanks to his face. Though he always assumed he’d never want any girl but Claudia, going out into the real world has a way of changing one’s perspective. Because out in the real world, there’s Kasie …