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Plug Into the Power of the Holy Spirit

Ah, the power of the Holy Spirit…what is it exactly?

When I was in high school, the President of the United States (George W. Bush at the time) came to town, and I got to see him. I don’t care which side of the political fence you fall on, any time you get to see the most powerful man in the world in person is an honor! But you know what fascinated me more than Mr. President and all the fanfare?

The Secret Service men.

They were EVERYWHERE—not just next to Mr. President himself, but at every gate, every roof, with us in the crowd… Given the critical nature of their work, communication between S.S. agents is crucial. Have you ever seen security guards in movies wearing those little earpieces with the curly cord? That’s real, and every S.S. agent had one. No matter how loud or rowdy the crowd, the agents never lost the voice of their commander.

It made me wonder…

Wouldn’t it be nice to have one of those earpieces from God? Just imagine. Any time you find yourself cornered in a debate with a friend over the feasibility of an intelligent creator, or trapped in an ongoing conflict with your brother over something that never seems to get resolved, God could just whisper the words you need in your ear. Then you would never walk away saying, “Man, that was the stupidest thing I’ve ever said!”

Guess what? You already have such an earpiece. He’s called the Holy Spirit. 

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Meet the Holy Spirit: Your Personal Earpiece From God

Was that a letdown? A sigh? “Gee, Lauren, I thought you would tell me something new and amazing. I already know all about the Holy Spirit.”

Yeah, I know. We Christians tend to glaze over anything we hear a lot, and lessons about the power of the Holy Spirit are right up there with sermons about God’s will. But as when you grab an electric fence with your bare hands, if talking about the Holy Spirit doesn’t give you a buzz, it’s because you haven’t fully grasped it! 

What’s so special about the Holy Spirit? 

He dwells in you. 

And this is how we know that he lives in us: We know it by the Spirit he gave us. -1 John 3:24 

What other things live inside you? Your heart, your lungs, your liver…your soul, your spirit, your thoughts…and the Holy Spirit! It’s not like with your keys or your wallet, where you can set them down and lose them. The H.S. is with you everywhere, all the time. In moments of anger, fear or desperation, he’s right there. 

He guides your words and actions.

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” John 14:26

Remember the S.S. agents and their handy earpieces? This is what the H.S. is for you: a direct line to God. He speaks in your subconscious and puts words in your mouth. When you’re ready to rip into your brother for throwing his muddy shoes on your leather riding boots for the umpteenth time, pause and listen and you will hear the H.S. speaking to you, telling you how to handle this in a constructive manner. He convicts you when you’re hurt, assures you of your salvation when you’re guilty, uplifts your soul when you’re down.

God is with you through the Holy Spirit. 

So why don’t I hear him or feel his presence?

power of the Holy Spirit
  1. You’re ignoring him. The Holy Spirit doesn’t hijack you like a car and make you go where he wants. He’s there, but you can choose to ignore his voice.
  2. You haven’t tapped into his power. I have a refrigerator in my kitchen, and behind that fridge is an outlet that contains live electrical current. But unless I plug the fridge into the outlet, neither will help me. In the same way, you have to plug into the Spirit by going to God’s Word often and regularly. Like a fridge, you can’t plug in for a few minutes and call it good!

Plug into the power of the Holy Spirit and watch him change your life!

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.” John 14:16-17

Hang on to your earpiece, and don’t tune him out!

For more on the Holy Spirit and his power in your life, see my 2021 Advent devotion: Meet the Holy Spirit. And check out Fervr’s great article A Christian Teen’s Guide to the Holy Spirit.

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