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Teen Life

“Choose for yourselves today whomever you will serve… But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” -Joshua 24:15

Purity, friendships, dating, self-control, sharing your faith—issues relevant to the teen life. This is your time to define who you are.

indestructible faith

Indestructible Faith: How to Toughen Up For Hard Times

Part 2 of Mental Toughness for Christian Teens They’re comfortable being uncomfortable and they stand out everywhere they go. Those are the characteristics of mentally tough Christians, as discussed in Part 1: Let’s Get Uncomfortable. But there’s one more roadblock that prevents indestructible faith, and it starts with facing another… Read More »Indestructible Faith: How to Toughen Up For Hard Times

mental toughness for Christian teens

Let’s Get Uncomfortable: Mental Toughness for Christian Teens

When I hear the phrase “mental toughness,” I envision a soldier trained to encounter the worst of mankind in the worst of conditions. The U.S. Navy SEALs are known for this. Typically called upon to take out high-value targets or gather intelligence behind enemy lines, SEALs operate in maritime, jungle,… Read More »Let’s Get Uncomfortable: Mental Toughness for Christian Teens