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Proverbs 31: How to Rise Above the Seduction of Unattainable Beauty

Who decided all-over body hair is acceptable for men, but women must have perfectly smooth, hairless legs? Why are slim thighs and large breasts considered ideal? Where did we get the idea that blonde hair needs to be made blonder, black skin should be lighter, and light skin should be tanned? Why are certain face and body shapes considered preferable over others—especially when the preference is unattainable?

If you’ve ever felt the Seduction of Unattainable Beauty calling your name, you are not alone. And there’s a reason for it.

Eeven those of us who recognize how unrealistic it is still find ourselves seduced by the lure to achieve this unrealistic standard of beauty.

Somewhere along the way, our culture has created an image of the “ideal” woman—and it’s an image that can only be achieved through advanced photoshopping techniques. And somehow, even those of us who recognize how unrealistic it is still find ourselves seduced by the lure to achieve this unrealistic standard of beauty.

I’m not going to send out a generic “you are beautiful in your own way” pep talk because, while that may be true, it’s still focusing on the wrong thing. If you want to feel beautiful, if you desire to rise above this nonsense that pulls your self-esteem down into a rabbit hole, then you must turn your face in the opposite direction—away from yourself.

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The Proverbs 31 Woman = The Ideal Woman

Take a look at the visualization of the ideal woman in Proverbs 31:10-31, a passage that in some bibles is titled “The Wife of Noble Character.” But because no woman suddenly becomes someone else the second she gets married, I think it’s safe to say that much of this passage can apply to all women. To be a noble wife is to first be a noble woman.

Let me highlight a few traits of the Woman of Noble Character. The Woman of Noble Character…

If you want to feel beautiful, you must turn your face in the opposite direction—away from yourself.

  • Works with eager hands (v. 13)
  • Uses wisdom to conduct business (v. 16)
  • Stays fit for her work (v. 17) 
  • Opens her arms to the poor and needy (v. 20)
  • Is clothed with strength and dignity (v. 25)
  • Speaks with wisdom (v. 26)
  • Watches over the affairs of her household (v. 27)

Note that there is nothing about trying to achieve a beach body or silky, smooth hair or the perfect skin tone. In fact, if you read the entire passage (and I suggest you do), nothing at all shows concern for her appearance. That’s because the Proverbs 31 woman is too busy doing more important things, and I think there’s an important lesson to be learned here:

Suddenly, beauty (or your perceived lack thereof) becomes a priority, and you start to pay more attention to what the world says about your body and you forget about the more important pursuit of serving God and your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Turn Your Focus Upward to Rise Above the Seduction of Unattainable Beauty

It might seem impossible right now but you can train yourself to look beyond ridiculous beauty standards by focusing more on who you are in Christ. Need some help getting started? Check out these posts:

1 thought on “Proverbs 31: How to Rise Above the Seduction of Unattainable Beauty”

  1. Oh how true! If God looks at the heart and not the outward appearance; then, what does that tell us!
    I always think of the verse in the Bible about David when God was choosing David to be king (1 Samuel 16:7).
    Thanks again Lauren. So enjoy your writings!

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