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Are You Prepared For War? Practical Preparedness Advice for Christians

You hear a lot of talk about war in the news these days. This isn’t new. Since the beginning of time, some part of the world has always been in turmoil. A ruler wants more power. One faction hates another and can no longer tolerate their existence. Here in the U.S., it’s been a while since we’ve seen war happen on our own soil so we’ve become complacent.

Which makes this the perfect time to ask: Are you prepared for war?

I don’t mean spiritual warfare, but actual physical war, where nation rises against nation. And I’m not asking whether you’ve stocked up on non-perishables, built a bomb shelter, or practiced your marksmanship. There are plenty of other places you can research those options.

This post contains specific preparedness advice for Christians.

What practical things should a Christian do to prepare for war—or any other event that causes a total upheaval of the comfy life you’ve always known?

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Be Prepared For War: Advice For Christians

1) Pack for Survival

prepare for war

Preparedness experts talk about something called a Bug Out Bag. Simply put, this is a backpack or other similarly sized, easy-to-carry bag that you leave near your front door so if you ever need to leave your home in a hurry (as in, your house is burning), you can just grab it and have the essentials at hand. Most suggest filling it with copies of important documents, non-perishable snacks, cash, water bottles, fire-starting materials, and a change of clothes.

To that list, I recommend adding a Bible. 

We take for granted that Bibles can be replaced with the click of a mouse at your favorite Christian bookstore website, but what if this suddenly weren’t the case? Already, there are countries where Bibles are forbidden. We should never become so complacent as to think ours could never become one of them.

Get yourself an extra Bible (beware the compact editions: some have shockingly tiny print!) and put it in your own Bug Out Bag. It’s a simple precaution that will help you be more prepared for war or any other upheaval in your life.

2) Memorize Scripture: Not Just a Sunday School Activity

Having an actual Bible at your fingertips is important, but inevitably there comes a time when you find yourself in the heat of a tough situation and don’t have one handy. This can happen in normal life, perhaps in a peer pressure situation or a work crisis. In such instances, being able to recall Bible verses from memory is an invaluable skill.

The time to memorize scripture is now, during the good times, so that you can recall it during the bad.

Even if you’re never faced with a total upheaval of life, this is still an important tool. I know of an elderly woman with poor eyesight who once said the verses she memorized when she was young are the only Bible she has now!

3) Prime your heart for worship.

Don’t overlook the value of memorizing hymns and other songs of praise. If you’re like me, you struggle to remember words, but put those words to music and you can commit them to memory much faster.

May I suggest a few for times of trouble?

A heart of praise might be a game-changer in a survival situation. It can turn a person from a soul ready to admit defeat into a warrior eager to press on.

4) Prepare your head for war.

What makes the U.S. Navy SEALs some of the most courageous fighters on earth? Mental conditioning. Graduating as a SEAL is not all about being physically fit. Their primary weapon system is their head.

preparedness advice for Christians

Christians need to be mentally conditioned for war too. It’s easy to believe in God when times are good. What about when times are bad, as in, REALLY bad, where everything you’ve come to know and trust in for security has been swept away?

Will your faith stand up against a storm like that?

Prepare your head for conflict. Don’t ever assume you’re good to go. Now is the time to fortify your faith through daily Bible reading and regular church attendance. These are simple measures you can take now so that you will be prepared for anything.

Be prepared for war with the knowledge that you are held in God’s hand till the end.

2 thoughts on “Are You Prepared For War? Practical Preparedness Advice for Christians”

  1. It always amazes me how Christians connect through the Word. Thank you for writing so beautifully how to be prepared even in times of war with God in our heart and minds. Just as you wrote, we are held in God’s hand til the end.

  2. Oh Lauren, we just talked about this in bible study. How we need to do “drills” like a fire fighter or soldier so that we will be prepared to turn to God more quickly in times of struggle or trouble. To confidently remember who is in control and in whom we can put our trust. Your message is wise and good. Thank you for sharing your ministry.

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