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How to Prepare Yourself For Marriage Before You Find “The One”

Ever been to a chili cook-off? All the chefs bring the same item (chili) to the table, but no two are ever exactly alike. Some are mild and tangy, some bitter and heavy, others so wickedly hot they’ll burn your throat. What you put into it determines the end result.

Marriage is the same way. 

Young people tend to view singlehood as a necessary penance before the sizzle of romance, but the truth is, you do not need to be engaged—or even dating—to prepare yourself for marriage. In fact, the further away you are from tying the knot, the better. Your single years are the best time to gather “ingredients” for the kind of marriage you want.

What ingredients do you want to bring to your future marriage? These six ideas will help make you a better marriage partner.

Hi, I’m Lauren Thell, author of Christian YA fiction and blogger for teens who are ready to exceed the world’s expectations.


1) Condition yourself to serve others.

Jesus in John 13:15, after he washed his disciples’ feet

The key to truly loving someone is to serve him or her with no expectation of anything in return.

All expressions of love are acts of service one way or another, but the key to truly loving someone is to serve him or her with no expectation of anything in return. Even with your future spouse, if you only serve to receive something in return, you’re doing it for the wrong reason.

Most marriages die from a lack of selfless service on the part of one or both parties. But if you learn to find pleasure in serving others (friends, family, community, church, etc.) for the sake of love, the response won’t matter. This type of selflessness is not common and doesn’t come naturally so if you have it, you will be a rare gem to the lucky one who marries you. 

Related: Be Grateful, Not Entitled: Serve Without Expecting Thanks

2) Be productive right now.

Ecclesiastes 5:18

This is not a time of treading water and waiting for The One to come and rescue you from singledom. God has this time set aside for you to concentrate on your productivity in other areas. Go to school, study, and learn. Find meaningful work. Pursue hobbies, enjoy art, exercise, get involved in your community and church. A well-rounded person is an attractive mate.

(As a bonus, when you finally get that first date, you’ll have plenty to talk about!)

Related: Life After High School: Just Pick Something And Do It!

3) Embrace commitment.

Proverbs 3:3

Are you afraid of commitment? Many a viable couple has never made it past the dating stage because one or both are afraid to commit. Marriage is a commitment for life, so it’s crucial you go into it with complete dedication. If that scares you, now is the time to condition yourself to commit. Throw off your “free-spirited” (read: irresponsible) lifestyle and start by showing commitment to friends, family, a stable job, even a pet. Stop fearing commitment.

Related: The Lost Art of Commitment: Be Different, Follow Through!

4) Shed the baggage.

Psalm 30:2

Let’s be realistic. To ditch all your baggage would mean you’d have to become a superhuman.

A fairytale misconception is that your spouse will magically fix you and make it all better.

The reality is, we’re sinful beings living in an imperfect world. But if you have trauma from past abuse or grief you haven’t dealt with yet; if you struggle with anger or anxiety or impulsivity; if you have a mountain of financial problems or any number of other vices that dictate a good part of your life, this is the time to deal with them. A fairytale misconception is that your spouse will magically fix you and make it all better. The hard truth is that all your struggles and negative characteristics will only be magnified in marriage.

Don’t drag your messes into your marriage. Seek help now. Check out the self-help section of your local library or bookstore and find the courage to seek professional help if you need it.

Related: No Excuses: A Challenge to Own Your Problems

5) Consider who you keep company with.

Proverbs 13:20

Are your current friends an encouragement to your faith, or a hindrance? Do they show commitment, or live a life of freestyle? Add to your baggage, or relieve you of it? The kind of people you hang out with screams volumes about the kind of person you are. Take a good, honest look at your current relationships and take steps to surround yourself with people who will steer you toward faith and love.

Related: Ways to Encourage Your Friends In Their Faith

6) Fortify your faith.

Matthew 7:25

If you ignore everything I’ve said up until now but follow this one thing, your future spouse and marriage will already be blessed beyond many marriages already in progress. To be the best husband or wife you can be, you must go into marriage with a strong spiritual foundation. Use this time of singleness to grow closer to God. Study your Bible and spend time in prayer and worship. Learn to take pleasure in Jesus above all else so that you don’t rely on your future spouse to fill a void he or she was not made to fill.

Related: Indestructible Faith: Toughen Up When The Waters Rise

More Resources to Help Prepare Yourself For Marriage

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