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15 Terrific Nonfiction Books On Dating For Christian Teens

“Dating is probably the most important aspect of a single person’s life.” -quote by Author Linda Sunshine

Whether or not you agree with Ms. Sunshine’s statement, no one can deny that single people have dating on the brain. Consider the number of books about dating, love, and romance on the market today. There are literally tons. But not all offer sound advice for Christians or teens. 

Even smaller is the list of nonfiction books on dating for Christian teens specifically.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the choices, this post will come as a breath of cool air. I’ve compiled 15 fantastic books about dating, love, sex—even marriage—all written with young Christians in mind. Looking for sound biblical advice? Check. Want something that addresses the specific issues of your age group? Check. Hoping for a book that isn’t a drag to read? Check.

It’s okay if dating is always on your mind. I’ve got you covered.

Hi, I’m Lauren Thell, author of Christian YA fiction and blogger for teens who are ready to exceed the world’s expectations.

General Nonfiction Books On Dating for Christian Teens

nonfiction books on dating for Christian teens

Boundaries in Dating

by Henry Cloud & John Townsend

You’re probably looking at the title of this book and thinking it’s all about kissing and sex. Indeed, that issue is addressed. (I’d be disappointed if it wasn’t.) But 17 other chapters go much deeper.

This book, applicable and appropriate for both teens and adults, touches on all boundaries in a dating relationship—emotional, spiritual, whether or not you should date a friend, etc.—preparing young people to make healthy choices that grow healthy relationships.

Consider it basic preparation for those who haven’t yet entered the field of dating, and a great field guide for those who have.

nonfiction books on dating for Christian teens

The Dirt on Dating

by Hayley DiMarco

For the teen who’s not interested in slogging through long dissertations, this is the quick-start guide to dating. At only 119 pages, this book doesn’t cover it all. And yet, it covers a lot of topics many other books on dating omit…like lessons in flirting.

Who would’ve thought?

Readers who don’t want to skim tons of narrative in search of practical tips will love the format of this book, which includes helpful highlighting, bullet points, and boxed material. As a bonus, The Dirt on Dating contains separate sections for guys and girls so you get gender-specific advice. 

nonfiction books on dating for Christian teens

The 5 Love Languages

by Gary Chapman

Not specifically a dating book, the original 5 Love Languages was published in the early nineties. Which, for some of you, makes it ancient. And yet, it continues to be a bestseller, topping Christian book lists year after year. Why? 

Because like the Bible, the information it contains is timeless, as relevant today as it was decades ago.

Boiled down to its most basic premise, The 5 Love Languages is all about seeing love as an action more than a feeling. Each of us gives and receives love most effectively in a specific “language”: acts of service, gifts, quality time, physical affection, words of affirmation. For example, you might be great at handing out hugs and kisses (physical affection) but your boyfriend feels more loved when you go hiking with him (quality time). 

Think of how much your relationship could grow when you start speaking each other’s love language!

Again, you don’t have to be dating to glean useful information from this book. The same concept applies to friendship and family relations as well. For that reason, I consider this a must-read for any descendant of Adam and Eve. 

(Note: It doesn’t matter which version of The 5 Love Languages you pick up, whether it be the original or the singles edition. You’ll get the same information repackaged for a specific audience.)

Can’t have a list of nonfiction books on dating for Christian teens without including at least one about this topic, right? For some of you, the title of this book is all that’s needed to spark your curiosity. Because, honestly, even those who are comfortable talking to their parents about *anything* have a few questions that are just a little too awkward to ask out loud.

And Google is not the place to get the answers. Neither are your friends.

Fortunately, Josh McDowell and Erin Davis tackle some of these tough issues from a biblical perspective in The Bare Facts: 39 Questions Your Parents Hope You Never Ask About Sex. This compact little book of only 126 pages gives Christian teens solid answers about STDs, safe sex, cohabitation, sexting, and more from a research-backed, biblical point of view. 

(Note to parents and youth mentors: This is a good book for you also. Because even if you want to talk candidly with youth about sex, sometimes you might not feel qualified to answer certain questions!)

Nonfiction Books On Dating & Romance for Christian Girls

Ladies, you have lots of gender-specific choices when it comes to nonfiction books about dating for Christian teens! Here are just a few to get you started.

Nonfiction Books About Dating & Romance for Christian Girls

Love Defined

by Kristen Clark & Bethany Baird

If you’re a follower of Girl Defined, you might recognize the authors’ names. Sisters Kristen Clark and Bethany Baird started their ministry to “help modern girls understand and live out God’s timeless truth for womanhood.” When it comes to godly womanhood, singleness, and relationships, their books are spot-on. This one in particular lays out God’s original design for romance, covering topics like true love, purposeful relationships, purity, boundaries, and glorifying God in every stage of your relationship.

Romance is a cultural obsession, but what about satisfying, long-term love? Where do you find that? Find the answer in Love Defined.

nonfiction books on dating for Christian Teens

For Young Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn & Lisa A. Rice

Ladies, you absolutely must read For Young Women Only

No, seriously. 

If ever there existed a manual on teen guys, this is it. Shaunti Feldhahn and Lisa Rice went straight to the source with an in-depth survey completed by high school and college-age males, the results of which are shared with you in this fascinating read. Find out what “guys are visual” really means, how his physical desires affect you both, and what it is he wants most from you. 

(Hint: It’s not love. Or sex.)

Thanks to this book, you no longer have to be clueless about what’s going on inside his head. The authors do warn you, however, to brace yourself. Some of it is hard to hear. But the real-life insight will help you make better, smarter decisions on how you interact with guys.

(And if you’re in a relationship, scroll down to see the version for young men, by Shaunti’s husband Jeff. You could always do what I did with my husband: Buy the guys’ edition, shove it into his hands, and let him study it on his own time. Just don’t expect a book report later. That’s not how guys process these things—something I learned from this book!)

Nonfiction Books About Dating & Romance for Christian Girls

Sex and the Single Christian Girl

by Marian Jordan Ellis

The tagline for this book is “fighting for purity in a rom-com world.” Just as guys struggle with the barrage of sexual images shoved at them (some, unfortunately, caused by us), ladies struggle with the relational side of sex—something that has been horribly skewed by Hollywood.

Think about this: How many times have you found yourself watching a rom-com and silently rooting for the couple on screen to fall into bed together while also silently cringing because you know it’s wrong?

If you’re confused and frustrated by the discrepancy, you’re not alone. In Sex and the Single Christian Girl, Marian talks about the “love drug” and our culture’s “war against the soul.” Be spared the heartache of sexual sin and instead look toward God’s best for you with Marian’s practical advice. 

Other Bestselling Books for Christian girls:

I haven’t read these yet, but enough readers have raved about them that I feel compelled to include them on my own list of nonfiction books on dating for Christian teens.

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Nonfiction Books On Dating & Sex for Christian Guys

If you haven’t noticed (in which case you’re probably living alone under a rock), guys and girls think differently. We have different strengths and struggles. These four books speak directly to the heart of teen and twenty-something guys and the issues you face.

Yes, I know. A guy would rather drive thirty miles off course than stop and ask for directions. (FYI, women drive just as many extra miles because we struggle with sense of direction.) So you’re probably not inclined to pick up a book about girls when you could figure it out yourself.

But I’m telling you, why spend twenty years looking for New York when you could get there in three days? That’s what For Young Men Only will help you do when it comes to understanding girls—how they think, what makes them feel cared for, what’s more important to them than anything else.

At the very least, you’ll learn how to talk to them without feeling like an idiot.

Nonfiction Books About Dating & Sex for Christian Guys

Who Moved the Goalpost?

by Bob & Dannah Gresh

In a culture that constantly bombards us with sexual images, some guys wonder, is purity worth it? Are there any benefits to abstinence? Why fight these temptations when everyone around you says they’re not so bad?

Who Moved the Goalpost answers those questions using something most guys can relate to—sports—and will help you develop a game plan for healthy, pure, and godly relationships.

Nonfiction Books About Dating & Sex for Christian Guys

Love, Honor, and Virtue

by Hal & Melanie Young

You know what’s best about this book? It’s short! Bibliophiles aside, most guys really don’t want to spend a lot of time reading self-help books. They like the get in, get what you need, and get out approach to obtaining information, and Love, Honor, and Virtue does just that.

It used to be that you had to go looking for temptation. Now, it’s practically shoved into your hands, whether you want it or not. Young men are being exposed to and ensnared by things that didn’t exist when they were born. 

You have to fight for integrity. 

Love, Honor, and Virtue is written to and for teens and twenty-something guys. In a world where gender is considered fluid, you’ll gain a biblical perspective on God’s biological and moral design for sex, build a solid foundation for Christ-honoring relationships, and find hope for recovery if you’ve stumbled. 

When sin comes looking for you, it’s time to engage in the fight!

The title says it all. Porn is everywhere, it’s addicting, and it sticks to you like Gorilla glue. Anyone who has struggled with porn knows how massively difficult it is to break free of the habit. There’s nothing wrong with you if you share this struggle. 

But that doesn’t mean you should accept it as part of you. Consider Sexual Detox as you would someone throwing you a life preserver in the middle of the ocean.

Explore more at Tim Challies’ website

For Mature Readers: Nonfiction Books on Marriage For Christian Teens

Calling some of you mature is not to imply the rest are immature. Rather, I’m referring to those who are ready to go deeper, regardless of age or relationship status. You want the big picture, a deeper study of the destination of marriage and the ultimate final destination—eternity. 

If that’s you, these books are for you. 

These weren’t written specifically for teens, but I highly reccommend everyone read them sooner or later. Consider them “adult conversations” you’ve been invited to listen in on.

Nonfiction Books on Marriage For Christian Teens

Sacred Marriage

by Gary Thomas

Popular thinking says two people should get married if it will make them happier. In Sacred Marriage, Gary Thomas flips that idea on its head by suggesting God designed marriage for the specific purpose of making us holy more than happy. (Though, as you’ll see, happiness and holiness go hand-in-hand.)

If you want to make better decisions in the how’s and what’s of dating, you need to understand the why of marriage. Go beyond happily ever after with holier ever after.

Nonfiction Books on Marriage For Christian Teens

The Meaning of Marriage

by Timothy Keller

Do you believe everyone has a “soul mate”? That romance is the most important key to a successful marriage, and divorce is okay in some cases? Why marry at all? Or perhaps you’ve become wise to our culture’s disregard for the institution of marriage and you’re thinking there’s got to be more to it than that

If so, this book is for you. In The Meaning of Marriage, Tim Keller and his wife Kathy draw a parallel between marriage and God’s relationship with man using the famous biblical passage on marriage in Ephesians 5. I recommend it for singles as well as married couples because keeping the main objective in mind will help you make wise decisions during your dating years.

Got One to Share With the Group?

I’m always on the hunt for fabulous nonfiction books on dating for Christian teens. If you’ve got a book suggestion you’d like to share, drop me a message! And be sure to subscribe to the blog, where you’ll always find no-nonsense biblical advice for Christian teens and young adults. (Subscribers also get exclusive reading recommendations, both fiction and nonfiction.)

Happy reading!