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Is it Okay For Christian Women to Wear Makeup?

Young women today face unreasonable pressure to fit a standard of beauty that’s physically impossible, and advertisers know this. It’s what made beauty an $89 billion-dollar industry in 2023. Every woman (both young and old) desires to be beautiful and desirable in some way, leading us to fill our bathroom counters with skincare and beauty products.

But from a biblical standpoint, is it okay for Christian women to wear makeup, or are we just falling for another of the world’s temptations? What does the Bible say about makeup?

[Disclaimer for teens: The advice I give in this article—while thoroughly considered through a Biblical lens—should never override any rules your parents have about makeup. If their restrictions go further than what I suggest, you should always heed their expectations. But consider using this post as an opening to a conversation with your parents on this topic. And see my post, A Teen’s Guide to Understanding Parents.]

Hi, I’m Lauren Thell, author of Christian YA fiction and blogger for teens who are ready to exceed the world’s expectations.


What Does the Bible Say About Makeup?

Let’s cut right to the main question at hand: Is wearing makeup a sin?

The Bible does not specifically say a lot about makeup. But it does talk about beauty, modesty, and self-control. Proverbs 31:30 says beauty is fleeting. 1 Peter 3:3 discourages seeking beauty in elaborate adornments. 1 Timothy 2:9 encourages modesty, decency, and propriety. And Proverbs 11:22 says, “Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion. “

No woman wants to be likened to a pig wearing jewelry!

God doesn’t just give us a bunch of “do nots” in his Word.

But God doesn’t just give us a bunch of “do nots” in his Word. Proverbs 31:30 continues by saying, “but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” The next verse after 1 Peter 3:3 says your beauty “should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” And 1 Timothy 2:10 urges women to clothe themselves “with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.” 

So…is wearing makeup a sin? In short, God does not expressly prohibit the use of makeup. He’s more concerned with matters of the heart.

My Personal Journey With Makeup

For years, I shunned all makeup. Except for the occasional girls’ night makeover with my friends, I rarely wore any in high school or college—not even to prom or my senior recital. It’s not that I had perfect skin. On the contrary, I was very acne-prone and self-conscious.

I saw makeup as deceptive. I knew people who wore so much makeup they were completely unrecognizable without it, and I swore never to become that person. So I restricted my makeup use severely.

is it okay for Christian women to wear makeup

On my wedding day, however, I went all out. My cousins—makeup experts by comparison—did up my face, which was so much fun. They did a great job, too, so I can still look at my wedding pictures with fondness and not horror.

Then, in recent years, I started wearing makeup for real. More on that in a minute.

When Christian Women Should Not Wear Makeup

Used this way, makeup becomes like a Superman costume, concealing the true identity of the person beneath.

I once heard of a woman so afraid of being seen without makeup, she wore it to bed just in case there was an emergency at midnight. This is extreme and unhealthy. Used this way, makeup becomes like a Superman costume, concealing the true identity of the person beneath.

The person God created.

If you’ve fallen into the mindset that your beauty comes from what you put on your body, take a step back. God wants you to concentrate on perfecting inner beauty, not on faking outer beauty.

But what if you’re very insecure in your outer appearance? Check out Psalm 139:14:

Remember, you are a work of God, and all of God’s works are wonderful. Even with your flaws—which perhaps include imperfect skin or extra pounds—you are wonderfully unique and beautiful simply because you are God’s creation.

Pause and think about that.

When is it Okay For Christian Women to Wear Makeup?

I still don’t wear makeup every day, but I wear it often enough to finally have a routine and a few products on hand. Why start after all these years of shunning it? Because I want to be at my best when I serve God out in the world.

Don’t misunderstand me: God does NOT require makeup. I can serve him just as effectively without it. But, personally, I found that when I have a hard time getting motivated, makeup helps me get into the mindset to serve. I wash my face, I brush my teeth, I fix my hair, I do my makeup. I’m putting my best foot forward and giving God the best of me.

Makeup is like money. The item itself is not sinful, but how you use it can be.

Most days I don’t have a problem getting up and tackling the day’s tasks. On those days I don’t wear makeup.

Makeup is like money. The item itself is not sinful, but how you use it can be. If you’re having a bad skin day, or just need a little mental boost to prepare yourself for a big day, a little makeup is not a bad thing.

If, however, you can’t imagine leaving the house or your dorm room without it, then it controls you. And if your bathroom counter is buried under tubes of lipstick and palette after palette of eye shadows and you plaster all these things on your face every day, there’s a problem. In that case, I recommend going on a makeup fast for a few weeks, where you wear none at all. During that time, spend ample amounts of time in the Bible and in prayer. Ask God to set your heart on the right path.

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What is Beautiful?

God gave you a beauty that does not require adornment or conformation to the standards of any culture. When you seek beauty, seek it as Psalm 27 would have you seek it:

How to Wear Makeup in a God-Honoring Way: Keep it Simple

First, get a little perspective on your purpose in life with Let Your Life Be a Glimpse of God’s Glory. Then consider the conditions under which makeup would assist you in glorifying God.

My makeup routine is very basic: eye shadow and mascara, plus foundation and blush when I need it. (I never could get used to the feeling of anything on my lips.) But there are lots of God-honoring ways to wear makeup. If you’ve decided to give it a try—or rethink your current use of makeup—read this post from GirlDefined: How to Wear Makeup in a Feminine and God Honoring Way.