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Teen Life

“Choose for yourselves today whomever you will serve… But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” -Joshua 24:15

Purity, friendships, dating, self-control, sharing your faith—issues relevant to the teen life. This is your time to define who you are.

develop self-control

How to Develop Self-Control as a Teen: Grow This Tree

Self-control: the ability to govern one’s emotions, actions, and desires, especially in difficult situations. Think for a moment about why that’s an important skill. Why not eat an entire triple-decker chocolate ganache cake all by yourself, or stay up all night watching Gilmore Girls reruns? Those who develop self-control recognize instant… Read More »How to Develop Self-Control as a Teen: Grow This Tree

judging others by appearances

Stop Judging Others By Appearances: She’s More Than a Body

In June, I wrote an article called For A Positive Body Image, Start With The Truth where I discussed the trend of self-objectification: the mental state of worrying about your physical appearance. I also listed some ways to overcome this trend in yourself, such as seeing through the lies in… Read More »Stop Judging Others By Appearances: She’s More Than a Body

qualities of a good boyfriend Christian

3 Most Important Qualities of a Good Boyfriend for Christian Girls

Say your best friend (who, by the way, is awful at choosing dating partners) asked you to lay out the most important qualities of a good boyfriend. What would you tell her? Witty. Likes to have fun. Attractive. Emotionally intelligent and smart. Cooks for you. Good at sports/music/art. Loves God’s… Read More »3 Most Important Qualities of a Good Boyfriend for Christian Girls