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Feminine Issues

Explore common feminine issues through a biblical lens. Clothing, makeup, guys, relationships—all the topics important to ladies!

right reason for purity

The Right Reason for Purity: It’s Not What You Think

Popular culture wants you to think purity is outdated and irrelevant—an oppressive relic spilled over from the Elizabethan Era. “Forget purity. Follow your heart, be true to yourself, do what makes you feel like you.” The typical Christian response, however, would seem to support this tainted view of purity. Wearing… Read More »The Right Reason for Purity: It’s Not What You Think

abortion is the wrong right to fight for

Dear Young Woman, Abortion is the Wrong Right to Fight For

Young Woman, you are worth more than you ask for. When Roe vs. Wade—the infamous ruling that legalized abortion in the United States—was overturned in June 2022, many were led to believe women’s rights took a giant step backward. Despite the shake-up, the battle hasn’t changed. Pro-choice and pro-life advocates… Read More »Dear Young Woman, Abortion is the Wrong Right to Fight For

seduction of unattainable beauty

Proverbs 31: How to Rise Above the Seduction of Unattainable Beauty

Who decided all-over body hair is acceptable for men while women must have perfectly smooth, hairless legs? Why are slim thighs and large breasts considered ideal? Where did we get the idea that blonde hair needs to be blonder, black skin should be lighter, and light skin should be tanned?… Read More »Proverbs 31: How to Rise Above the Seduction of Unattainable Beauty

judging others by appearances

Stop Judging Others By Appearances: She’s More Than a Body

In June, I wrote an article called For A Positive Body Image, Start With The Truth where I discussed the trend of self-objectification: the mental state of worrying about your physical appearance. I also listed some ways to overcome this trend in yourself, such as seeing through the lies in… Read More »Stop Judging Others By Appearances: She’s More Than a Body

qualities of a good boyfriend Christian

3 Most Important Qualities of a Good Boyfriend for Christian Girls

Say your best friend (who, by the way, is awful at choosing dating partners) asked you to lay out the most important qualities of a good boyfriend. What would you tell her? Witty. Likes to have fun. Attractive. Emotionally intelligent and smart. Cooks for you. Good at sports/music/art. Loves God’s… Read More »3 Most Important Qualities of a Good Boyfriend for Christian Girls