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What is the Hardest Thing to Believe In Christianity?

Christianity is full of radical ideas. 

We worship an infinite God who has always existed—no beginning, no end—and he exists everywhere all at once. We believe our Bible contains God’s true words and insist the afterlife includes both heaven and hell. And despite the glaring and ongoing presence of evil in the world, we proclaim ours is an almighty God who remains in control of everything.

Crazy, right? And yet, none of these earns the title Hardest Thing to Believe In Christianity.

What about the fact that we believe God assumed human form and came to earth where he subsequently allowed himself to be tortured and killed before raising himself from the dead. Hardest thing to believe?

Understandably, these are difficult teachings for many to swallow. Some never get around to accepting that God exists at all. (Keep that in mind the next time you speak with an unbeliever. What we’re asking him to believe is quite radical.)

But none of those is the hardest thing to believe in Christianity.

Hi, I’m Lauren Thell, author of Christian YA fiction and blogger for teens who are ready to exceed the world’s expectations!


Of all the radical ideas inside Christianity—the Trinity, eternity, the resurrection—I maintain one stands out as most difficult to believe. I say this because even Christians struggle with it, sometimes daily. No, it’s not the fact that Jesus would die for someone as lowly as me—though that does play into the question at hand.

The hardest thing to believe in Christianity is that Jesus did it all. His sacrifice took away EVERY LAST SIN on earth. The big, the little; the sins of yesterday, the sins of twenty years from now. All of them.

hardest thing to believe about Christianity

We don’t accept that easily. Even Christians don’t always agree on this. Our tendency is to cling to sin like a gun held to the head. I’m not worthy of Jesus’ sacrifice. Look how much I screwed up! We fall into the trap of purgatory, insisting we must work off the bits that Jesus couldn’t cleanse us from. We create lists of tasks meant to increase worthiness: read the Bible two hours daily, put exactly ten percent of your paycheck in the collection plate (more if you want extra credit), volunteer at a soup kitchen every Thanksgiving, no sex, no swearing.

But Jesus did it ALL. He took away ALL your imperfections. In laundry terms, he didn’t leave any spots on your clothing and expect you to find the correct stain remover. He made you perfect all by himself.

No, you’re not worthy of his sacrifice. No, you cannot do anything to make yourself worthy in God’s eyes. You can’t even have faith without God’s help.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. 

Ephesians 2:8-9

Jesus alone made you worthy. That blows my mind. And then it swells my heart.

Related: Justification by Faith Explained: A Simple High School Analogy


hardest thing to believe about Christianity

Jesus did what I cannot do for myself, and he doesn’t despise me for it. He didn’t take my place so he could sneer at me and say, “You pitiful trifle of a human. You’re so weak, I have to save you.” His single motivation for wearing the crown of thorns—for enduring the beatings, the mockery and, finally, the cross—was pure, undiluted love. 

He did it all for you and me.

Which frees us to serve out of love, not fear. 

Related: How to Really, Truly Know God Loves You


Am I right when I say the pressure to perform keeps many of us awake at night? We stress about pop quizzes, about bringing home report cards that would make Dad proud and not letting down our teammates. About trying to live up to the manager’s expectations at work. 

Just remember, these pressures are of our own making. God doesn’t expect you to ace every test, lead your team to victory at the regional basketball championship game, or even sign up for your church’s mission trip to Guatemala. He wants you to experience the profoundness of his free love, and the pleasure of serving him because you choose to.

Jesus did it all. That is the hardest thing to believe in Christianity—and it’s what makes Christianity so beautiful.

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