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defend your faith

“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks…” -1 Peter 3:15

mental toughness for Christians

Mental Toughness for Christians Part 1: Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

When I hear the phrase “mental toughness,” I immediately envision a soldier, someone trained to encounter the worst of mankind in the worst of conditions. The U.S. Navy SEALs are known for this. Typically called upon to take out high-value targets or gather intelligence behind enemy lines, SEALs operate in… Read More »Mental Toughness for Christians Part 1: Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

science and faith are compatible

Are Science and Faith Compatible? Why You Need Both

It’s been a debate for centuries: Are science and faith compatible? Can Christianity be supported by science, or does believing one require ignoring the other? Consider this headline in a major newspaper in 2015: “‘Faith vs. Fact:’ Why religion and science are mutually incompatible.” The ensuing article outlined the disjunct… Read More »Are Science and Faith Compatible? Why You Need Both