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Mental Toughness for Christians Part 2: Fear of Standing Out

Are you comfortable with being uncomfortable yet? It takes lots of dedicated practice and mental focus to get there, but it can be done, and today’s post is meant to address another untruth that keeps us Christians from becoming mentally tough:

It is terrible to stand out.

Fear of standing out is a big issue, especially for anyone between the ages of roughly 13 and 19. But even as we age, the fear of standing out never goes away completely. We want to be accepted amongst our peers, right? That’s just natural. 

It’s also avoidable.

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Lie #2: “It is terrible to stand out.”

But if you’re a Christian, you’re going to stand out.

Christians dress differently, talk differently, engage in different activities, believe different things. It could be said if you’re not standing out in the crowd, you might not be doing your job. This takes us back to myth number one: “I can’t stand to be uncomfortable.” Because standing out makes us uncomfortable.

Needless to say, God created you to stand out. 

Fear of Standing Out: Is it really so awful to stand out? 

If your fear of standing out has you quaking in your boots, try this little exercise.

Take a moment to focus on what it is you’re afraid to do because it will make you stand out. Let’s pretend you and your friends are standing outside the movie theater—and everyone wants to watch a racy R-rated movie you know you shouldn’t watch.

If you’re not standing out in the crowd, you might not be doing your job.

Close your eyes and visualize yourself standing your ground, refusing the movie. Imagine the comments, the jeers, the “holier than thou” name-calling. Feel what you think you’ll feel when that comes, and let yourself sit with that discomfort for a moment.

Did you survive? Did life go on, even though it was uncomfortable? 

Now visualize yourself moving forward, walking away from the theater and sticking to your convictions while the others go inside. Imagine yourself doing it in confidence. Feel what it’s like to stand up and do what’s right. Feel the freedom of standing out and not letting the crowd think for you.

Take it further. Imagine another Christian in the same situation somewhere else, doing the same thing. And another, and another, until there are hundreds of you who maybe don’t even know each other, but you’re all facing your discomfort and standing out where you’re at. 

Suddenly, you’re not alone.

Never Alone

Standing out really isn’t as awful as we imagine it to be. You may feel like you’re alone, but you’re not. Even Elijah felt alone, and he said so to God (1 Kings 19:10). All around the world, Christians are standing out.

Even Jesus stood out, and thank God for that!

Standing out really isn’t as awful as we imagine it to be.

Train to be a mentally tough Christian. Visualize yourself in an uncomfortable situation, then go out and do it. Seek ways to move beyond your comfort zone, to break through your fear of standing out, and feel what it’s like to be free. It’s amazing. 

Next: See my final post on Mental Toughness for Christians which addresses one more untruth: “Something awful is happening. God must not be real.”

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