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Jesus Became One of Us!

Day 3 of 12 Reasons to Rejoice: Advent Devotions

On Day 2, we recognized that Jesus is indisputably God. But he was also a man, a flesh and blood human like one of us:

I grew up on a farm, where I was the undisputed shepherdess. I loved my sheep and they came to love me back as much as lowly sheep can.

Every day before school—even on the darkest, coldest winter mornings—I went out to the barn to feed and water them before I had my own breakfast. I did the same every evening. I spent time talking to them and singing to them. Each of them had a real name chosen from a baby name book. (There were no Fluffys or Baa-Baas in my flock.) They were a big part of my life.

But never once did I wish I could become one.

Yet, Jesus did exactly that for us. He gave up something even greater—his glory and supremacy—to live in a world of pain, death, dirt, evil, and temptation.

He did it to take your place. God cannot die, but man can. God cannot die, but Jesus did. 

Let us rejoice that Jesus became one of us!

For Further Reading

The full passage from which the above verses were selected can be found in Hebrews 2:5-18. See also John 1:1-18.

And check out these posts:

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Next: Day 4, Jesus is our Strong and Sure Advocate

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