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Gospel-Centered Advice for Christian Graduates

The ink on the diploma has dried, the tassel moved from right to left, and you’ve already uploaded two hundred selfies posed with friends all wearing similar caps, gowns, and cheek-busting smiles as your own. Now it seems your grandparents, neighbors, and half the state want the answer to a question that makes you cringe every time it’s asked.

Now what?

If you’re in that position, you know what I’m talking about. And what do you say when others ask about your future plans and you’re not even sure of the answer yourself? 

If I had five minutes with any recent high school graduate—whether you’re fresh off the podium or already a year into college and have yet to declare a major—this is what I would say. Consider it my advice for Christian graduates.

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advice for Christian graduates

This is counter-cultural advice at its greatest. Everywhere you go, people will tell you to follow your heart, live your dreams, and throw caution into the wind. But God gives us a stark warning about the heart in Jeremiah 17:9:

Ask the girl whose heart was shattered by a boy she was certain loved her. Or the now jobless intern who pursued a fad career that went belly-up. How about the boy now sitting in jail after acting on his desire to gain? They all followed their hearts at some point, and look where it got them.

Steve Jobs spoke with wisdom when he said, “Follow your heart, but check it with your head.” I’m going to take that even further and say, “Follow your heart, but check it with God’s word constantly.”

It’s Jesus you want to worship and adore, not your heart. Because, unlike the heart, Jesus won’t lead you astray. Put him at the center of your focus and let your dreams fill in around him.


Am I doing what God wants me to do? 

This is the ultimate hangup for most young adults (and old ones, too): What if the career path I choose isn’t what God has in mind for me?

The folly of this question lies in the misunderstanding that there is only one correct answer, and every other choice is wrong. In truth, God gives you options for how you want to spend the rest of your life, and you could please him with any number of career paths, provided they are both legal and moral. Can’t decide between a career in nursing or accounting? No problem. God needs both. 

Proverbs 16:3 says it right:

Pick something, do it wholeheartedly for Jesus, and be amazed at where he takes you!


advice for Christian graduates

What is the point of a college degree or high-paying career? Why are you even doing this? If your answer is happiness, fulfillment, or security, you’re aiming for the wrong bullseye.

I want to be as happy, secure, and fulfilled as the next gal, but ultimately, this whole earthly life is not about me, and yours isn’t about you.

It’s about Jesus.

Make your plans according to him. Pursue him with whatever you do, and you will be fulfilled. Live your life for him, not yourself, and watch him take you to amazing heights. 

Put your eye on the right bullseye.


For any Christian young adult, graduate or not, I recommend the following books, both by Kevin DeYoung:

Blessings on your journey in Christ!

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