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20 Awesome Things Christian Teens Can Take Pride In

Pride = the quality or state of being proud. Also one of the seven deadly sins, right up there with greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. Proverbs 16:18 tells us “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” 

Clearly, pride is a weed you don’t want taking root in your heart.

The rise of “gay pride” and Pride Month, however, has given a whole new meaning to pride. Today, pride is associated with claiming identities and celebrating individuality. Sounds innocent enough, right? So what’s the problem?

The problem is when we take pride in the wrong things.

The above-mentioned Proverb isn’t a curse made by someone jealous of another man’s good fortune. When Solomon first penned those words, he was making an observation. Put your pride in an ideal, object, or accomplishment, and sooner or later you will be disappointed. Careers fall apart, talents fail, culture corrupts. Achievement fades, possessions rust and break, family splits like an overgrown oak. 

And focus on gender distracts from your true identity in Christ.

Pride is dangerous—unless it’s in someone who will never let you down. 

I talk about recognizing your identity in Christ in See How God Sees You. But because of that identity, there are many things Christian teens can take pride in that will always be true.

As a Christian, you have a lot to take pride in. Because your identity is in Christ.

Lauren Thell, author of YA Christian Fiction

16 Things Christian Teens Can Take Pride In

1) I am the child of the one true God.

Christian identity in Christ

Imagine having your name written on a piece of paper and drawn from a giant glass ball, like the Mega Millions lottery or the reaping in the Hunger Games. If God did not exist, this is essentially how your fate would be decided. Pure luck would be your only hope against an EF-5 tornado bearing down on your home and your only hope for striking gold in your career.

But because he exists, your fate rests not in the uncertainty of chance or luck but in the hands of a real and powerful God who truly loves you. Remember that when you’re dealing with discouragement.

2) I am Jesus’ friend.

Did you know? Jesus declared you part of his inner circle. You’re buds, besties, homies, bros. If you’re one who takes pride in association, then embrace your Christian identity as a friend of the son of God himself.

3) The chains that once held me are broken.

Maybe you never had a slave driver standing behind you with a whip but that doesn’t mean you’ve never been a slave. Lust, fear, hatred, greed, self-loathing, and power all make menacing slave drivers. On your own, you cannot break free from such masters. That’s why the best Christmas gift of all came the very first Christmas in the form of a tiny baby. He came of his own free will, no charge, no strings attached, no buy-now-pay-later schemes. 

And then he hung on a cross, breaking your chains for good so you didn’t have to fight a futile battle on your own.

Need Jesus to fight your battles? The Battle’s Already Been Won…

4) I am a member of an awesome group of people—the holy Christian church (a.k.a. Christ’s body). 

If you see church as the boring place your parents make you go every Sunday, you’re missing out. See Why Young Christians Absolutely Need to Go to Church to know the significance of church in your Christian identity.

Wondering if you’re “good enough” for God? How Do I Know if I Am Acceptable To God?

5) I have God on speed dial.

Learn more about the remarkable privilege of prayer in Why Should I Pray?

6) I have been forgiven of every last sin.

A single snowflake weighs next to nothing. But pile many snowflakes together and the weight of them can collapse roofs.

Guilt is like snow. The accumulating weight stresses a soul until it comes crashing down. As Psalm 38 says, your guilt has overwhelmed you like a burden too heavy to bear.

Bible truths for bad days

Then Christ took the weight of sin from your shoulders and placed it on his own—every last flake. You’ve been forgiven of every wrong you’ve ever committed and there is nothing else you need to do.

Let me say it again: There is nothing you must do to pay for your sins because they have been paid in full. It is finished. Now there’s something Christian teens can take pride in.

Do you struggle with the whole paid-in-full thing? Check out What is the Most Difficult Christian Belief to Accept?

7) God loves me. Period.

I’m convinced most of us are completely unaware of just how deep God’s love flows because if we did, our actions, our words, even our thoughts would be permanently altered. This is what sets Christianity apart from every other religion. God is not a cruel tyrant or a benevolent grandfather watching passively from a celestial rocking chair. This is radical love at its highest intensity.

God loves you. Period. Learn more in How to Really, Truly Know God Loves You.

8) I can never be condemned.

Are you aware of exactly who your greatest enemy once was? You might be surprised. Find out in Jesus Saved You From Sin, Death, Hell—And God and take Christian pride in knowing the threat has been neutralized.

9) I stand on unshakable ground.

Even during your worst day or darkest night, you are never alone. You’re standing on the rock of Jesus. While the earth quakes, you have solid ground under your feet and a fortress to hide in during the attacks on your soul. Your life may be in tumult but your soul has a place of refuge, one of many things Christian teens can take pride in.

Feeling alone and scared? Where to Look in Scripture During Your Darkest Nights

10) I have citizenship in the coolest place ever.

Someday, God will usher you into your permanent home—heaven. You won’t be like a poor, forlorn shopper staring into the windows of New York City’s Oscar de la Renta (said to be the most expensive store in the United States), wishing you could afford what’s inside. You’ll be welcomed as a citizen and enjoy the benefits and luxuries afforded only to citizens. You will live forever and your life will have meaning.

Embrace your Christian identity as a resident of heaven!

Wonder what’s so exciting about heaven? Look Forward to Eternity: The Best is Yet to Come

11) Fear does not own me.

Does fear rule your life? It doesn’t have to. See Why You Can Trust God Instead of Freaking Out.

things Christian teens can take pride in

Dealing with discouragement? Satan will whisper in your ear, “Look how bad you are. You’ll never be good enough.” But Jesus already made you perfect so go ahead and knock Satan off your shoulder.

Check out Justification by Faith Explained: A Simple High School Analogy for more.

13) Total conquest is mine.

Jesus wasn’t the first to give his life for someone else, nor was he the last. A mother dies while pushing a child out of the path of a speeding truck. A climber cuts himself from a string of climbers before the weight can pull them all down. A soldier takes a bullet to the head defending his country. Heroic as they were, all these people stayed dead after their sacrifice.

At least in bodily form.

But because Jesus broke free from the grave, that mother, that climber, and that soldier may very well all be alive today, enjoying an eternal life where death has no reach. And you, regardless of how unheroic you may feel, will one day join them.

Learn more about your salvation in Resurrection Hope: Because He Rose, You Will Rise Too!

14) I bring illumination and flavor to the earth. 

See how you can light up the earth with 7 Ways to Let Your Light Shine In a Dark World and Stop Hiding Your Faith So Other Believers Can See You.

15) I have a direct connection to the source of all life.

It might sound arrogant to say you have all the answers but it’s not if it’s true. You hold the key to eternal life. Share it!

Related: Why Is Evangelism Important? Share The Hope of Eternity

16) I am a personal witness of Christ.

Become more effective in your witnessing with How to Talk About Jesus With Almost Anyone.

17) God himself dwells within me.

He’s not just watching you from above. He’s inside you. Learn more in Plug Into the Power of the Holy Spirit.

things Christian teens can take pride in

18) My identity is in Christ.

With Jesus, you never have to wonder who you are or what category you fit into. Christian teens can take pride in knowing they are one with him and nothing—gender, race, family name, relationship status—will ever change that.

Learn more about your identity in Christ: See How God Sees You

19) I am God’s personal work of art.

This is so huge and something many teens struggle to accept. You—your body and mind—are unique creations of God. When you disparage your looks or abilities, you’re disrespecting his handiwork. Yes, the human body is one of the things Christian teens can take pride in. Just remember who created it.

Dealing with discouragement due to low self-esteem? Priceless: Hope for Young Christians Struggling With Low Self-Esteem

20) I can approach God with head held high any time I want.

Fearing God is not the same as being afraid of God. You must fear God but you no longer have to be afraid of him, thanks to your identity in Christ. Learn more in Teens for Christ: What Does it Mean to Fear God?

Further Reading About Your Identity in Christ

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Do you believe me when I say you have a lot to take pride in? Embrace your identity in Christ and let that be your source of pride!

If you’re having a hard time convincing yourself of your worth, try Positive Self-Talk For Christian Teens: Words That Actually Work.

Other articles to help you (and your friends) embrace your Christian identity:

Do you struggle with how to handle Pride Month as a Christian teen? This article from Youth Pastor Theologian—What Would Jesus Say About Pride Month—shares biblical insight. Though geared more toward youth leaders and parents of teens, teens can glean useful information from it as well.

1 thought on “20 Awesome Things Christian Teens Can Take Pride In”

  1. Oh what a joy to belong to God and be given all his blessings. Love all of God’s Word telling us who we are because of his glory. Praise be to God. Thank you, Lauren for referencing all of these Bible passages. God Bless . 🙏🏻♥️✝️

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