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The Case For Abstinence: This is What Really Matters

Popular culture will tell you to forget it.

What do you think of assumptions like that?

I’ll tell you what I think: If you’re a young adult reading this post right now, you’ve already proven them wrong. You clicked into this because you want to know the case for abstinence—why it matters, what the beneifits are, whether it’s worth the hassle—either to finally answer that question for yourself or to cement your argument when the issue comes up within your social circle.

As it will.

I believe teens and young adults are capable of much higher thinking than we give them credit for. But I don’t expect you to blindly follow a belief system without knowing the truths that back it up. It’s my hope the answers in this post will tell you why abstinence matters and ground you in a conviction for purity that the world doesn’t expect you to possess.

Lauren Thell, author of YA Christian Fiction

Why It’s Hard to Make a Case For Abstinence

Purity is important for Christians. But Christians who abstain from swearing, cheating, lying, and murder will balk over the importance—and feasibility—of abstinence.

For most, it’s not too hard to refrain from murder or theft.

Why is it so difficult to make a case for abstinence? Because, well, abstinence is difficult. For most Christians, it’s not too hard to refrain from murder or theft. But then God gives us the command: “You shall not commit adultery,” and suddenly we’re shifting nervously because at some point—either in the mind or with the body—we’ve all struggled with some aspect of this sin.

Being a Christian does not exempt you from worldly temptations.

The #1 Reason Why Abstinence is Important

Sources listing the top benefits of abstinence will often cite prevention of STD’s and unplanned pregnancies. Some will also list the emotional benefits chastity offers. Indeed, all these are true, but they are not the main reason why abstinence is important.

C.S. Lewis said it best through the mouth of his fictional character Screwtape in The Screwtape Letters:

If you are not familiar with 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, this statement might come as a shock to you but it’s true. You do not own your body. You were bought at a price and now exist as a temple of the Holy Spirit. Essentially, that makes your body the property of God.

Does that bother you? You’re not alone. If chastity is an unpopular idea, being purchased from one master only to become subject to another is equally unpopular.

But consider this: God loves you more than you love yourself. He’s a master who desires to keep you safe from other masters who do not have your best interests in mind. His command for purity comes out of a deep desire to bless you with all that he has to offer—the greatest of which is a secure relationship with him.

He purchased you through the blood of Christ and made you holy. Which gives us the main reason why abstinence matters:

Truth #1: You were bought at a price by someone who loves you more than yourself.

why abstinence is important

I go deeper into this in my post The Right Reason For Purity: It’s Not What You Think, and I encourage you to check it out. For now, bask in the true depth of God’s love for you. In this context, purity makes sense. Your body is meant to honor God, and doing so according to his standards is one of the best ways to show your love in return.

You don’t simply give up sexual gratification for the sake of following a rule. You give it up for the sake of union with Christ.

Learn more about how happiness and holiness go together in The Holy Teenage Life: Real Faith, Real Happiness.

2 More Reasons Why Abstinence is Important

Following God’s commands in an effort to return his love is really the only basis we need to make a case for abstinence. But for those of you who are convinced God is being mean by forbidding you to do something so tempting and pleasurable, let’s consider the other benefits of abstinence.

Abstinence Gives You a Chance to Love Someone Else As Christ Loved You

Every act of sexual intimacy always, always, involves someone else. If it’s sex, it’s your partner. With pornography or lust, it’s the person you are viewing, who becomes an object of gratification. And if an unplanned pregnancy occurs, you’ve just created a life that can never shake free of your choice. 

the case for abstinence

When physical intimacy seems like the best way to express your love, consider this:

“Let’s live together for awhile so we can make sure that we’re right for each other,” is really saying “I love you, but not enough to commit to you for life no matter what.” 

“We both agree that we want to do this,” is code for “We mutually agree to use each other for self-gratification.”

“It’s nobody else’s business,” means overlooking the young eyes that are watching you and wondering if they should follow your example. 

The only option that puts the needs of others before your desires is to say, “I care about you enough to save sex for the committed union of marriage and to follow God’s plan for holiness.”

Many young people are startled to learn—too late—that sex is not the ultimate binding action in a relationship. It won’t create love where none existed previously and, in fact, many young men have admitted to having a lower opinion of a girl after engaging in sexual intimacy with her. (See the data to back this up in Shaunti Feldhahn’s eye-opening book For Young Women Only.)

Don’t be the one who comes between someone else and Christ. Encourage each other in purity and holiness.

Related: 7 Common Lies About Sex That Christian Girls Believe

The Gift is Awesome—And Dangerous

Ever received a cool but potentially hazardous gift? The Easy Bake Oven is one example. A popular gift for little girls way back when, this set came complete with a baking pan, spatula, brownie mixes…and a real, pint-sized oven.  

The earliest models could heat to 350 degrees, hot enough to cook a chicken breast. If you got an Easy Bake Oven for Christmas, you had to follow a lot of rules when using it or risk burning your house down.

Bible verses to help you resist temptation
case for abstinence

So it is with sexual intimacy.

Sex is a gift from God. He does not expect us to abstain forever but he knows where its full potential can be safely enjoyed—inside marriage—which is why he gave explicit instructions on how to use it. He doesn’t want you to get burned through inappropriate use.

And since he created it, his instructions make the most sense. Respect the dangers of the gift.

Does Christianity seem like nothing but a lot of rules? Check out Following God’s Rules: The Right Questions to Ask.

One Beautiful Truth: His Grace Is Overflowing

Lust and adultery have serious consequences but they aren’t unforgivable. Find power in the blood of Christ to turn away from sin and discover God’s forgiveness and grace. If you’re struggling with shame over past sins, see my post Lost Virginity: Is It Too Late For Me?

More Christian Resources on Dating & Sex For Teens

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Further Reflection on the Benefits of Abstinence

Are you considering moving in with your boyfriend/girlfriend? Learn about the reality of cohabitation in Is It Actually Wrong to Live Together Before Marriage?

Get all your most intimate questions answered from a biblical perspective with this list of fabulous resources: 11 Shameless Books On Sex And Gender For Christian Teens

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