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Why Every Christian Teen Is a Leader—And How to Be Effective

I love online personality tests and aptitude quizzes. You know, the ones that tell you your strengths and weaknesses and why you might struggle with a specific skill set while another comes naturally. My most recent Enneagram test floored me when it bluntly declared, “Lauren, you struggle with frustration because you’re a perfectionistic achiever with a large side of individualism.” (Seriously didn’t realize that until then.)

What about you? What’s your personality type? Are you a leader or a follower? Yes, there are online quizzes to help you figure that out, but if you’re a Christian, there’s no need.

Because as a believer, you are automatically both.

Lauren Thell, author of YA Christian Fiction

Be Countercultural: Every Christian Teen Is a Leader

Some leaders are easy to recognize:

  • The kid on the playground who initiates the game everyone else eventually joins
  • The girl in your high school who started a soup kitchen for the local homeless people
  • The president of the student council
  • The President of the United States

Most of us think of leadership as tons of responsibility and—*cringe*—public speaking, and we’re happy to cede that kind of duty to someone else. But don’t get comfy lounging in the background. Jesus left you with a challenge in Matthew 5:

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5:14-16

“The Light of the World” = a Call to Leadership

Imagine turning on the high beams in a lighthouse, then covering them so no one can see the light. That’s just silly. A lighthouse by its very nature is made to be seen, both with its prominent physical position and its illumination.

Why Every Christian Teen is a Leader

You are a lighthouse. When the world is rushing into the blackness of the storm, you call them back to the shelter of Jesus. You are the one who knows the way to eternity, and it’s your job to point in that direction anyone else who’s searching for it.

Yes, that means being countercultural. It means standing against the gale-force wind of current trends and sometimes being labeled a bigot. But at any given moment, you’re either influencing others or being influenced by others. If you’re not blindly following popular norms, you’re a leader.

Which means every Christian teen is a leader. This is your challenge.

Be Humble: Every Christian Teen Is a Follower

You probably saw that coming, but as a follower of Jesus, you are, yeah, a follower. Our culture today rewards individuals who strike out on their own with flair—the greater the flair, the greater the reward. Believers, however, must humble themselves and give credence to God’s wisdom and will, recognizing that something greater than their individual wants and opinions is at work. 

Christian teen leadership

Christian teens are followers when they:

  • Recognize God as the almighty, all-powerful controller of all things
  • Recognize it’s not all about what you want or think
  • Give glory to God in all you do
  • Follow his commands eagerly and thoroughly

You don’t get to choose what’s true, moral, or good. That’s decided by God’s essence, and we humbly yield to his leadership in that respect. But you are a leader even as you follow because others are watching what you do and following too.

You lead by showing others how to follow Jesus well.

Be Authentic: Every Christian Teen Is an Influencer

Being a leader for Christ sometimes means stretching out of your comfort zone and pushing yourself to do things you don’t want to do or learn skills you don’t yet possess. But let go of the idea that the only way to lead is to head up a charity or become a motivational speaker. God gave you specific gifts to use where you are right now.

Leadership can happen many ways. What’s important is knowing what it takes to be an effective leader as a Christian teen.

12 Qualities of Effective Teen Christian Leaders

Christian teen leadership

1) Effective Teen Christian Leaders Love God

Everyone can tell a person who truly believes in something from the person who’s merely operating out of grudging obedience. The most effective Christian teen leaders truly love God, and it shows in their words and actions. They own their faith and obey his commands not because they have to but because they want to.

2) Effective Teen Christian Leaders Are Voracious Readers

…of the Bible. Christian fiction can do a lot to encourage your faith and Christian nonfiction can clarify a few things about faith, but faith itself comes from reading the Bible. And keeping that faith strong requires reading the Bible regularly and diligently.

3) Effective Teen Christian Leaders Are Disciplined 

The winner in a race doesn’t get to the podium by skipping exercise and eating potato chips at every meal, so why should we think it’s any different for faith? This is not the same as works righteousness. Works righteousness says you have to do XYZ in order to reach the finish line (heaven). Jesus’ sacrifice already guarantees you’ll reach the finish line, but what you do on your journey is up to you. The most effective leaders for Christ work hard. They care for their bodies, complete their homework, hone their skills, go to church regularly, and strive for growth. They are the runners of 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.

4) Effective Teen Christian Leaders Are Persistent

Whether it’s a skill they’re trying to hone or a soul they’re trying to win for Christ, effective Christian teen leaders don’t give up at the first sign of opposition. They take all that self-discipline and use it to accomplish God’s will according to the gifts he has given them, like we’re called to do in Colossians 3:23-24.

5) Effective Teen Christian Leaders Are Humble Servants

Jesus demonstrated this aptly when he washed his disciples’ feet, but he did more than that. He set aside his awesome godly glory and power to become a weak human, was born in the humblest of circumstances, lived a perfect life eschewing all sin, trained 12 men to spread the word, then died—all for you. Great Christian teen leaders strive to set aside their own interests for the interests of others, just as Jesus did. Check out Philippians 2.

6) Effective Teen Christian Leaders Communicate Effectively

As with any good leader, effective Christian teen leaders know how to communicate their point and give clear directions to others. This means not only knowing your stuff (what you believe and why) and how to verbalize it, but how to listen in earnest. Good leaders know communication is a two-way street. 

7) Effective Teen Christian Leaders Love Learning

Christian leaders are students of the Bible for life, but they’re also eager to learn more about the world God created and the people who live in it. For some, this means higher education while others learn by getting out in the field and experiencing it firsthand.

8) Effective Teen Christian Leaders Have Clear Vision

They don’t get clouded by new ideas and trends that stray from God’s will. Their focus remains on eternity, even when opposition arises.

9) Effective Teen Christian Leaders Recognize Their Limitations

Great Christian leaders acknowledge who’s in control and who has all the answers, even after they’ve learned all they can about a topic. The words of Isaiah 55 ring true: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Humility is key.

10) Effective Teen Christian Leaders Lead By Example

The saying“Practice what you preach!” truly applies here. Whether you’re an extrovert leading a huge group or an introvert leading quietly, the best way to lead others to Jesus is to show them how to follow him.

11) Effective Teen Christian Leaders Hang Out with Other Leaders

That doesn’t mean they’re part of Leaders R Us or some other such organization created to spawn more leaders. Effective teen leaders hang out with Christian friends. Because, as noted above, every Christian teen is a leader.

12) Effective Teen Christian Leaders Build Healthy Relationships

Every relationship, from family and friends to dating and work relationships, matters. Effective teenage Christian leaders build a solid circle of connections with those around them. They don’t burn bridges through hypocrisy or arrogance but, rather, promote teamwork and seek edifying relationships with those who share their beliefs. “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12).

Christian Teen Leadership: You Can Do It!

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Not all leaders are extroverts with a charismatic presence and a flair for eloquence. Indeed, I am grateful for those who are and for their ability to accomplish what us introverts would struggle to achieve. But never forget, every Christian teen is a leader, regardless of your talents and skills. Use your abilities and your life to glorify God and lead others to him!

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