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Why Young Christians Absolutely Need to Go to Church

True or False: I don’t need to go to church to be a Christian.

This question used to make me cringe because I didn’t know how to answer. The truth is, like coins, reversible jackets, and political views, the answer to this one has two sides. So let’s talk about it. Do Christians really need to go to church?

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True: You need only faith.

The most famous verse in the whole Bible, John 3:16, does not contain a condition about church attendance:

Jesus did not include that as a clause. So if you’re taken captive in a forty-day hostage situation, you can relax. The promise of eternal life will not be ripped out of your hands just because you cannot attend church.

But a grave hostage situation might be the only valid reason for repeatedly missing church. Don’t stop here and miss the other side of the answer…

False: Christians who value their faith ABSOLUTELY need to go to church.

Christian teens need to go to church

Let me share an analogy to help you understand the logic:

It’s winter right now where I live, which means it’s FREEZING outside. But inside my house, it’s nice and toasty, thanks in part to a trusty wood-burning stove. Every morning, I create a tidy pile of crumpled-up newspapers, kindling, and logs, then strike a match and, voila! We have fire. I should be warm all day, right?

Not so fast.

A fire treated in this manner will take a longer time to die, but it will—with absolute certainty—eventually die.

If I actually want to stay warm, I have to add more wood at regular intervals throughout the day. And if the fire ever starts to dwindle, I stir it with a stick and push the coals together so they create more heat.

What if I want my fire to go out? There are a couple of ways to do that. One, I could douse it with a fire extinguisher. That’s a very instant way to kill a fire. Or, I could stop adding fuel and separate the coals so that they are no longer near each other. A fire treated in this manner will take a longer time to die, but it will—with absolute certainty—eventually die.

Do you see where this is going?

Why Church is Essential for All Christians

If you think of your faith as a fire, then there are a few components that make up the fuel: prayer, hearing God’s word (the Bible), and fellowship with other believers. Satan wants to do anything he can to extinguish that fire, and while he will sometimes use a life event or circumstance to kill your faith instantly (like the fire extinguisher), his favorite and most effective tactic is to cut off the fuel supply and separate the coals.

Satan’s favorite and most effective tactic is to cut off the fuel supply and separate the coals.

In this way, your faith will die a slow, almost imperceptible death.

This world is a dark and cold place. Temptation, pain, trouble—all those things threaten to extinguish your flame of love for God. Alone, you might give off a tiny amount of heat for a while, but eventually your flame will lose its power and die, too.

None of us are big enough to fight these battles alone.

But think of the coals in a fire. One tiny coal isn’t going to do much to heat my house. But put them together and watch them burn! See how they lean on each other for heat to create more heat. Feel the blast of warmth they give off!

(For more on this fire analogy: How to Build Rock Solid Faith When God Stirs The Coals)

Why Christians need to go to church

Embrace the Family of God

You don’t need church to become a Christian. You need church to stay Christian.

No, you don’t need to attend church regularly in order to claim the title of Christian. But, yes, you absolutely need it to keep that fire of faith going.

You need the Bible to fuel your faith, but just reading it mindlessly on occasion isn’t enough. You must study it, meditate on it and learn everything you can about it. Regular attendance at a Bible-believing church can help you with this.

You need to engage in daily prayer as part of your fuel for faith. Confession, praise, and worship are a huge part of it. And like the coals that died in my fire when I separated them, you need fellowship with the community of believers to help you continue to give off the heat of faith.

That’s why attendance at church is essential.

You don’t need church to become a Christian. You need church to stay Christian. Embrace the family of God! Meet them at church!

For More

Feel like your church isn’t doing it for you? Read my post When Church Doesn’t Feel Exciting. And check out Hebrews 10:23-25 to see what God says about meeting with other Christians.

Related: Desiring God As the Ultimate Source of Pleasure

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