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The Forgotten Side of Advent: When Jesus Returns

Did you ever have an Advent calendar as a kid? What started with nineteenth-century German Protestants making chalk marks on their walls as a countdown to Christmas has now turned into its own industry. Even Lego is in on it, offering no fewer than six different options for the 2024 season (Harry Potter, anyone? Star Wars?). if you’re not into Legos, Sephora offers a limited-edition beauty advent calendar with 24 makeup, skincare, and bath products, one for each day leading up to Christmas.

Obviously, Advent calendars aren’t just for kids, so go ahead and get one that suits your taste. Regardless of style or brand, all Advent calendars count exactly 24 days, ending on Christmas, the official day for celebrating Jesus’ first coming—his birth. But his birth isn’t the only thing we should be celebrating right now.

What if there were calendars for the second part of Advent—when Jesus returns?

Lauren Thell, author of YA Christian Fiction

The One-Two Punch of Advent

If you grew up thinking Advent was all about getting ready for Christmas, you’re in good company. It’s not just commercial Advent calendars that promote this belief. The entire month of December is a flurry of nativity scenes, Christmas plays, and gift exchanges. You’re not wrong if you buy a special calendar and countdown to Jesus’ birth celebration.

But don’t stop there.

Advent, by general definition, is the arrival of something or someone. But it’s also a literal command: “come.” Since Jesus already came once as a baby, the command is a summons for him to return: “Come, Lord Jesus.” Christians celebrate Advent not just to recognize Jesus’ first coming, but in anticipation of his second coming

Understandably, there are no calendars manufactured for counting down to Jesus’ return. Because no one knows when it will be.

Beware, the Teacher is Coming Back! When Jesus Returns

when Jesus returns

What happens when the teacher steps out of the classroom for a moment? It’s a phenomenon that annoyed me as a kid and now, as a parent, I hear not much has changed. Elementary children still see the teacher’s absence as a license to party. No one’s watching, so why not have a little fun, right? Let the paper airplanes fly!

However, a discerning child is leery of joining in the mayhem because he has the foresight to know what everyone else is ignorant of: The teacher will return any minute.

Two thousand-plus years ago, God came to Earth as one of us. He breathed the same air we breathe, walked the same dusty roads, fought illnesses and temptation, shared the gospel, and equipped his disciples to spread the word. Then he died, rose, and ascended into heaven. The teacher stayed for thirty-three years, then stepped out of the classroom.

In the meantime, his pupils started throwing paper airplanes. War, hatred, sin, lust, greed—all are at an all-time high. What’s taking Jesus so long? Sometimes it seems he’s forgotten his promise and we’re on our own.

But consider this warning:  

We don’t know when Jesus will step back into the “classroom.” But you don’t have to be caught with a paper airplane in your hand.

Be Ready For Jesus’ Return

1) Guard

2 Peter 3:17

Sometimes we take too many liberties with our Christian freedom. Think of that sin you continue to indulge because you know God will forgive you. Or how the world’s warped view of right and wrong might be crawling into your heart.

When we allow ourselves to be swayed instead of remaining loyal to God’s commands and promises, we give power to Satan. When Jesus returns, Satan’s power will be destroyed, but the damage will already have been done.

Struggling with ridding yourself of sin? How to Overcome Habitual Sin: Why Persistence Matters

2) Grow

2 Peter 3:18

Don’t let Satan con you into believing you know all there is to know about Jesus and his love. This is the time to learn and grow in your faith. Read your Bible, devote time to prayer and fellowship with other Christians, and continue making worship a regular part of your life. Deepen your understanding of God and dive into is love.

3) Go

Lots of work is yet to be finished on earth. There are souls who have never heard the name Jesus, family members who have strayed from the Christian faith, and friends who haven’t made up their minds as to what they believe about God.

This is not the time to sit on your thumbs and stare at your belly button. The harvest is ready, the workers are few, and the Teacher will return any minute. And when he does, it will be too late for anyone who hasn’t yet put his faith in Jesus.

Hooray, the Teacher is Coming Back! Jesus Will Return

For the discerning student, the return of the teacher is welcome because it brings an end to the mayhem and disorder. For the believer, Christ’s return is a time of rejoicing because then we will finally know the Teacher face to face.

There is no Advent calendar for when Jesus returns, but you have nothing to fear. Plug into the power of the Holy Spirit and eagerly look forward to Jesus’ return this Advent season.

Because Jesus is coming soon!

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For Further Reading

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Read the full passage from which the above verses were selected in 2 Peter 3:1-18. Find more on keeping watch for when Jesus returns in Matthew 24:36-51, Hebrews 13:20-21, and James 1:2-18.

And embolden your faith with these posts:

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