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When Church Doesn’t Feel Exciting

The statistics are eye-opening. With each new generation, fewer and fewer people are attending church. A USA Today article from 2019 cited the following as the top four reasons as to why young adults stopped attending church: 

  1. life changes (new job, leaving for college, etc.)
  2. issues with the church or pastor
  3. differences in religious, ethical, or political beliefs
  4. issues with their current church’s student and youth ministry

Are you someone who’s thinking about calling it quits on your current church family? I’ve already addressed those who might see church as a non-necessity, so let me call out the rest of you to look at your church, and yourselves, with eyes wide open.

What can you do when church doesn’t feel exciting anymore?

Hi, I’m Lauren Thell, author of Christian YA fiction and blogger for teens who are ready to exceed the world’s expectations.


Church-Shopping: Remember What’s Important

Christians who are “church-shopping” tend to look at all the wrong criteria. Are the people friendly? Do they play the music I like? Do I feel something during the service? Is the building beautiful? Do they have lots of people my age? While all these factors help make your church experience more enjoyable, they are not the first criteria you should consider.

The most important question: Does this church teach the Bible as the true Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit? 

Christians who are “church-shopping” for a church tend to look at all the wrong criteria.

If your current church doesn’t do this, then it’s time to find one that does. But if it does, consider what a treasure it is that you have found AND how you might step up to make it what it needs to be for your generation.

If, however, your minister is preaching right from the Bible and you find yourself disagreeing with what you hear, then the problem is not your church. The problem is in your heart, and it’s time for you to examine God’s Word and pray that He aligns the two together. For more on this, see my post Questioning Your Beliefs? Great, it’s Time to Grow!

Don’t run from the truth and hide behind today’s culture.

Dismiss the Idea That Any Church Is Perfect

Preach the truth? Yes, that is not negotiable. Everything else? Er, well…

I look at my church family the same way I look at my related family. There are things I love about them, and things that drive me nuts. We have beautiful music and the most awesome Bible study discussions, but sometimes I feel like our current ministry is stuck in a rut and the people could afford to be a little more friendly, more than just, “Hey, how are you? Welcome to our church!”

Those are not reasons to leave, however. Those are reasons to get more involved.

Related: When You’re Too Embarrassed to Invite Friends to Church.

When Church Doesn’t Feel Exciting, Get Involved.

If your only experience with your church is the boring Sunday service, then you’re missing out on a huge part of what being a member of the Christian church is all about.

when church doesn't feel exciting

Most churches have Bible study groups, and quite a few have other committees whose purposes range from decorating the church for each season to creating care packages for elderly folks who can’t attend anymore to planning out children’s ministry events. The church’s purpose and ministry is so much bigger than what you see on Sunday, and it shouldn’t just be dependent on the pastor/priest/elders.

“But,” you say, “those committees and groups are full of old people!” 

When church doesn’t feel exciting, it’s crying out for you to step in and help make things fresh.

My friend, you’ve just discovered your calling. When church doesn’t feel exciting because of stagnancy and a failure to reach to your generation, it’s crying out for you to step in and help make things fresh. Go work alongside those “old people” and share your ideas. Help them carry out the mission. Even if you don’t have any ideas, just getting involved will keep God’s mission alive. Plus, you will create deeper relationships with your fellow believers, another big bonus of church membership.

What if your church has none of those things? Why not start with you? Talk to your minister about creating a youth group or a young adult Bible study. Bring your friends and start something together. I’ve learned you can’t always wait for someone else to think of it, especially if you’re the one who needs it the most. Church will feel more exciting when you are excited about its ministry.

Newsflash: Going to Church Isn’t All About You

The Holy Christian Church isn’t a place, it’s a body of people who believe in Christ as their Savior. However, rather than floating about the world hoping to bump into some of those people and become friends, the physical church you attend is a place to meet with them directly so that you can encourage each other.

Maybe your life is running smoothly right now and temptation hasn’t been a problem. (Just for the record, if you tell me this, I will accuse you of lying.) But think about the girl sitting two rows behind you, who’s struggling with a deep-set sin. Or the boy across the aisle who just lost his favorite uncle to cancer. The young lady in the back row who is lonely and desperate for a friend. 

when church doesn't feel exciting

You can’t always see those things printed on someone’s face, but if you remain committed to your church, you will be in a better position to reach out to those people and help them through their struggles, and in return you will receive support during your own challenges. God never meant for us to do it on our own. 


Do not leave a Bible-believing church that seems dull and old-fashioned for a friendlier, more exciting church that takes liberties with God’s word! If this is the choice you are faced with, then let that be your call to step up and enact changes that make your church more friendly to your generation.

It’s not what your church can do for you, but what you can do for your church.

More Encouragement For Christian Teens

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Terrified of inviting someone to church? How to Invite Someone to Church—Without Being Weird.

Make church feel exciting again with 11 Ways to Get the Most Out of Church, from Holiness Today.

Getting ready to move out? It’s no longer your parents’ job to make sure you go to church. Welcome to Adulthood! Time to Take Responsibility for Your Faith.