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What to Do When You Struggle With Temptation

When I was very little, I did something very naughty: I stole a lock. From a junkyard.

Let me put this in context: Because we lived in a rural neighborhood with no garbage pick-up service, we had to occasionally go to the “dump” to get rid of our trash. That day, I was with my mother. The lock was not part of the garbage but the actual lock they used to close up at the end of the day. Five-year-old me had no need for a lock (which, of course, would have been useless without a key) but it was just sitting there, an intriguing, metallic piece of temptation. So I put it in my pocket.

It was a sin of opportunity.

Most sins start that way. You’re scrolling social media and a racy photo pops up. Maybe you blush and hurry past it, but that image is with you now and you wonder what else is on there. The next time one pops up, you pause and stare at it. Then you click on it and, boom, an addiction is born.

“Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” -James 4:7

That sounds like good advice, but if it were simple to follow, young Christians wouldn’t struggle with temptations like pornography, sexual sin, and parental disrespect.

Lauren Thell, author of YA Christian Fiction

Help Me Jesus, I Just Can’t Stop!

What’s your impossible-to-resist temptation? Maybe you’re not tempted by racy photos, but your self-control melts when you’re alone with your boyfriend. You might never feel the urge to rob a convenience store, but cuss words roll off your tongue like saliva. I have no problem resisting a bowl of jellybeans, but a bag of Butterfingers? All bets are off.

How do you overcome the most powerful sins—the ones that keep you coming back for more even when you don’t want to do it anymore?

To answer that, you must first recognize sin’s powerful grip.

Sin: The Great Slave Driver

This past week, the great U.S. of A. celebrated Independence Day with parades, fireworks, and red-white-and-blue T-shirts. Ours is a country known for freedom. People come here to escape the oppression of tyrants.

But even in the United States, people live in slavery. And you might be one of them.

Consider the four different types of slaves:

Sin isn’t just a single act or accumulation of acts. Sin is a condition of the heart.

  • Robots have no control over themselves.
  • Fugitives run in shame or fear.
  • Prisoners aren’t free to come and go.
  • Invalids are physically weak or disabled.

When sin infects your heart, you become all of these. You know you shouldn’t go to that website, or play one more round of that video game, or peek at the answers on your neighbor’s test. But another force has control of the wheel. Shame and fear have you on edge. You’re a prisoner, and your sin renders you disabled.

Sin isn’t just a single act or accumulation of acts. Sin is a condition of the heart. That’s what makes it so powerful, and until you recognize that, you will never win your struggle with temptation.

Treatment for a Sick Heart

struggle with temptation

What do you do when your physical heart is sick? You go to a doctor who then suggests lifestyle changes, medicine, or surgery. Sometimes a transplant is needed.

So what do you do when your spiritual heart is sick?

Many Christians mistakenly believe that resisting the devil simply means ignoring temptation when it strikes. But to be free from slavery to sin requires heart surgery by the Great Surgeon. And just like when you or your parents sign a form consenting to treatment from a medical doctor, God waits for you to consent to treatment from him.

1) Remove the Triggers

Because many sins are sins of opportunities, this is your first step. Whenever possible, get rid of whatever causes you to sin. If it’s a certain place, don’t go there. If being with certain people makes you let down your guard and give in to temptation, it’s time to find new friends. If you have no self-control when you’re on your computer, restrictive and/or accountability software might be necessary.

But don’t stop here. Removing triggers is not enough. If you throw out all your steamy romance novels, a sick heart will eventually go in search of new ones. A full treatment plan includes several more steps.

2) Prayer: Get on the Phone With God

One time, my son and I climbed into our vehicle after baseball practice only to find it dead. So I called my husband. He didn’t just give me a quick rundown on how to jump a battery, then hang up. He stayed on the phone, walking me through the steps and answering all my questions until we had a running vehicle again.

Don’t balk at using prayer in your fight against temptation. Prayer is a tremendous resource and your best defense. God wants you to talk to him, but don’t send up a single prayer and quit. Pray until it feels like you have God on one continuous phone call. Beg him to help you hate the sin. Because once you hate the sin, you will be more ready to change.

Flee temptation using the different types of prayer found in How to Have a Richer Prayer Life.

3) Scripture: Plug Into the Power of the Holy Spirit

Prayer is good because it allows you to talk to God. But in order to hear his reply, you need to OPEN YOUR BIBLE. Scripture is powerful medicine for the heart that struggles to overcome temptation. First, check out these Bible passages about temptation:

Then check out How to Resist Temptation: A Christian Teen’s Battle Plan for more on how to really use scripture in you struggle with temptation.

4) Church: Join the Troops in Battle

Church isn’t just a recurring task on your weekly schedule. There’s power in worship and fellowship with others who are fighting the same enemies you are. When you’re singing your praises out to to God, you’re not thinking about how to gratify your sinful desires. Worship, pray, listen to God’s word, be influenced by his people, and you’ll find your ability—and desire—to resist temptation growing.

Related: When Church Doesn’t Feel Exciting

5) Accountability to Other Christians: Back-up Reinforcements

Success in your battle against sin rises when you enlist the help of others. Talk to a close friend or Christian mentor about your struggle with temptation and let her hold you accountable.

Don’t believe me on this one? Read Resist Temptation: The Missing Link in 1 Corinthians 10:13.

6) Professional Help: Get Serious in Your Fight Against Temptation

This is the step many Christian teens dismiss, much to their detriment. Remember, sin has deep roots. Sometimes you need outside help. God has provided that help in the form of counselors, pastors, and other mental health professionals. Seeking their help does not mean you have weak faith. Christian resources exist for porn and sexual addiction, substance abuse, and more.

Some you might find helpful:

Don’t overlook the invaluable power of outside help when you need it.

Related: 6 Must-Read Nonfiction Books For Christian Teens

Let Go of the Pet And Be Free!

As with saying goodbye to a beloved cat or dog, it won’t be easy to let go of your pet sin. But imagine the freedom you will have when you break free of those chains.

Freedom worth fighting for.

More Help For Christian Teens Who Struggle With Temptation

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1 thought on “What to Do When You Struggle With Temptation”

  1. God has the power to heal the heart and break free from sin through staying connected to Him through his Word. We pray, pray, pray seeking his help and all the help he sends us. ??♥️✝️
    Thanks again, Lauren for all your work in the Lord.

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