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11 Shameless Books On Sex And Gender For Christian Teens

Originally, this category—nonfiction books on sex and gender for Christian teens—was included in my list of Nonfiction Books On Dating For Christian Teens. It makes sense for the two to go hand-in-hand as most questions young people have about dating relationships include sex in some way. (Check out The Ultimate Teen’s Guide to Christian Dating: Your Top 20 Questions Answered.)

But then I found more books on the subject, and the list kept getting longer, and I realized it deserved its own post.

Note that this list of books is specifically for Christian teens and young adults to read themselves. Parents, youth ministers, and other adult mentors will certainly gain insight into how to talk to teens about sex from any of these, but I’ve compiled this list with teen readers in mind. If you’re a parent or youth leader, consider purchasing one or two for the teens in your life.

Lauren Thell, author of YA Christian Fiction

Nonfiction Books About Sex For Christian Teens

The Bare Facts: 39 Questions Your Parents Hope You Never Ask About Sex

by Josh McDowell & Erin Davis

nonfiction books about sex for Christian teens

For some of you, the title of this book is enough to spark your curiosity. Honestly, even those who are comfortable talking to their parents about *anything* have a few questions that are just a little too awkward to ask out loud. And Google is not the place to get the answers. Neither are your friends.

Fortunately, This compact little book of only 126 pages gives Christian teens solid answers about STDs, safe sex, cohabitation, sexting, and more from a research-backed, biblical point of view. 

(Note to parents and youth mentors: This is a good book for you also. Because even if you want to talk candidly with youth about sex, sometimes you might not feel qualified to answer certain questions!)


By Mike Novotny

nonfiction books about sex & sexuality for Christian teens

In today’s world, everyone thinks they know all about sex and what it’s supposed to be. Some consider it a necessary part of a satisfied life, others expect it to be easy once you find “the one.” But what does God say about it? This compact book—89 pages, including a study guide—give you a surprising biblical perspective on this muddled topic and fresh truths you probably won’t expect.

Nonfiction Books About Sexual Purity For Christian Girls

Guys aren’t the only ones who struggle with sexual temptation and sin. Whether you’re looking for tools to help you fight for purity or healing from sexual sin, these books are for the ladies.

Sex and the Single Christian Girl

by Marian Jordan Ellis

Nonfiction Books About sexual purity for Christian Girls

Just as guys struggle with the barrage of sexual images shoved at them (some, unfortunately, caused by us), ladies struggle with the relational side of sex—something horribly skewed by Hollywood. How many times have you found yourself watching a rom-com, rooting for the couple on screen to fall into bed together while also silently cringing because you know it’s wrong?

If you’re confused and frustrated by the discrepancy, you’re not alone. In Sex and the Single Christian Girl, Marian talks about the “love drug” and our culture’s “war against the soul.” Be spared the heartache of sexual sin and instead look toward God’s best for you with Marian’s practical advice. 

And the Bride Wore White

By Dannah Gresh

nonfiction books about sexual purity for CHristian girls

Learn the seven secrets to sexual purity that can reduce the risk of having your heart broken by sexual sin. Each chapter begins with a narrative of Dannah Gresh’s young love life, taken from her own teenage journals, where she shares her struggles, successes, moments of pain, and the eventual triumph of living in sexual integrity. The updated edition also includes letters of encouragement to young women with unique struggles, like abortion, abuse, or porn addiction.

Sex, Purity, & the Longings of a Girl’s Heart

By Kristin Clark & Bethany Beal

Discover God’s good design for sex and purity. As the culture around us seeks to normalize things such as pornography, erotica, and casual sex, you may be feeling immense pressure to conform. This books helps young woman understand how their longings for intimacy point to a deeper need, why God’s original design for love, sex, and purity is good, and how to deal with secret sexual struggles.

See my reviews of other books on dating & sex for Christian girls!

Nonfiction Books About Sexual Purity For Christian Guys

These books speak directly to the issues faced by teen and twenty-something guys.

Sexual Detox: A Guide For Guys Who Are Sick of Porn

by Tim Challies

Nonfiction Books About Sexual purity for Christian Guys

The title says it all. Porn is everywhere, it’s addicting, and it sticks to you like Gorilla glue. Anyone who has struggled with porn knows how massively difficult it is to break free of the habit. There’s nothing wrong with you if you share this struggle. 

But that doesn’t mean you should accept it as part of you. Consider Sexual Detox as you would someone throwing you a life preserver in the middle of the ocean.

Explore more at Tim Challies’ website

Who Moved the Goalpost?

by Bob & Dannah Gresh

Nonfiction Books About sexual purity for Christian Guys

In a culture that constantly bombards us with sexual images, some guys wonder, is purity worth it? Are there any benefits to abstinence? Why fight these temptations when everyone around you says they’re not so bad?

Who Moved the Goalpost answers those questions using something most guys can relate to—sports—and will help you develop a game plan for healthy, pure, and godly relationships.

Every Young Man’s Battle

By Stephen Arterburn, Fred Stoeker & Mike Yorkey 

The original Every Man’s Battle was a mega-bestseller, giving credence to the fact that sexual temptation is a serious issue for men. But of course, you already know that. What you might be wondering is, in a world where you’re constantly surrounded by sex—movies, video games, music, the internet—can any young man escape the lure of sexual temptation?

Yes, you can, with powerful ammunition. Which is exactly what the authors of Every Young Man’s Battle lay out. You’ll learn how to examine God’s standard, train your eyes and mind, clean up your thought life, and develop a plan—biblical strategies that have worked for millions of men. 

One More Nonfiction Book For Christian Guys

Check out my review of Love, Honor, and Virtue by Hal & Melanie Young.

Nonfiction Books About Gender Identity For Christian Teens

Sadly, gender fluidity is an area many Christians are reluctant to take a biblical stand on. In the quest to be loving, we sometimes forget that tolerance of sin is exactly the opposite of loving. (See my post Love or Hypocrisy: Should I Confront a Friend Who Sins?) Fortunately, these two books show how to stand firm on biblical standards in the most loving way.

Note: If you’re not convinced that a homosexual lifestyle goes against God’s will, please read these books!

Gay & God

By Mike Novotny

books about gender identity for Christian teens

Jesus wants his people to be known for their love. But sadly, love is often the last thing homosexuals find in the church. This compact little book shows you the true significance of Jesus’ words, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” It also teaches you what the Bible actually says on the topic of homosexuality—and empowers you to show the love of Christ in a culture where being gay is the new norm. 

Of Note: I found that the principles in this book can be applied to dealing with any type of sin, not just homosexuality.

You may have noticed this is the second book by Mike Novotny on this list of nonfiction books on sex and gender for Christian teens. Mike is the highly personable pastor featured on TV’s Time of Grace. Check it out and be enlightened!

Gender Identity

By Matt Ewert

nonfiction books on gender identity for Christian teens

Who are you? How much are you worth? And who gets to decide? As a Christian, it might be hard to relate to the outward expression of the transgender community, but you can probably relate to placing your identity in things other than Jesus. This small book helps you understand the current state of the gender identity movement, take an honest look at God’s design and purpose for gender, and ultimately lead others to the grace and truth only found in Jesus. 

More Resources on Gender Identity For Christian Teens:

Books About Sexuality in Light of Holiness

The flip side of sexual temptation is turning sexual purity into idol itself. Do you know why purity matters? Is virginity a badge of honor? If you’re not sure, check out these posts…

Then read this book!

The Hole in Our Holiness

By Kevin DeYoung

When sexual purity starts to feel legalistic and unachievable, it may be that you don’t understand it’s part in holiness. Or maybe you just don’t care much about holiness.

This book is for those who are ready to take holiness seriously and be more like Jesus. Sex and sexuality are just a part of the bigger picture, and one of many subjects covered in this book. But it’s worth a read if you want to understand why purity matters in light of holiness. This is a book about God’s power to help us grow in personal holiness and to enjoy the process of transformation.

While not specifically YA nonfiction, I’ve always found Kevin DeYoung’s books easy to read and relatable to a younger audience. Check out my review of another of his books—Just Do Something.

Bonus Resource

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Looking for in-depth Christian guidance on sex, gender, and sexuality? Check out, a site dedicated to walking with you in faith through identity, gender, and sexuality. You’ll find a library of resources, including stories from real people who wrestle with gender identity and reviews of additional resources.

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