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Not Just On Sunday: How to Be a Christian Every Day

What if you had a friend who treated you like her bestie one day a week, then ignored you for the other six? And what if, on those other six days, she blushed whenever your name was brought up, laughed when others joked about you, and only called you when she was desperate?

Most of us wouldn’t call her a friend. And yet … this is what many of us Christians do to Jesus every week.

Lauren Thell, author of YA Christian Fiction

Are You a Christian Every Day?

What about you? When Sunday rolls around, do you dress up in your best, silence your phone, open your Bible, raise your voice in song, recite the Lord’s prayer, drop a few bucks into the collection plate, and offer peace and blessing to fellow congregants, then ride into the wind, shaking off your church-going persona like a choir robe over a mini-dress?

If so, Satan loves it. If he can’t convince you to give up your faith completely, his next favorite tactic is to convince you you don’t have to be Christian every day.

If you’ve fallen for the “Sunday Christian” routine, it’s time to wake up and live your faith out loud.

The Habits of Sunday Christians

If Satan can’t convince you to give up your faith completely, his next favorite tactic is to convince you you don’t have to be Christian every day.

“God doesn’t care what job I choose unless I’m going into public ministry.”

“God doesn’t want to be bothered by little everyday decisions.”

“I’m already going to heaven, so why does it matter what I do with my friends?”

It’s intuitive to think about God when you’re at church, doing devotions, or in need of help. But do you think about God when you sit down for lunch in a crowded cafeteria? While choosing next semester’s class schedule? When watching the homecoming game with your friends, or rushing through traffic to your after-school job, or picking out your clothes for the next day?

Or do you have God neatly fenced off into the small section of your week called Sunday?

God Cares About Everything You Do

You might think that unless you’re heading overseas to be a missionary, what you do with your life matters little to God. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

God is interested in everything about you.

God is interested in everything about you. Your interests, your jobs, your fashion choices, your grades at school. Not because he’s a tireless dictator who wants to control you, but because he loves you. I might not have a preference over whether my son chooses soccer or baseball, but I still love when he includes me in his decision-making.

Some of us view God as a cold, distant ruler. Others believe wholeheartedly in our salvation but forget that God also cares about our earthly life. Either way, we miss out on the extraordinary fact that our God is a loving, compassionate father and active in our lives. He desires to be close to you personally.

Demonstrate Your Love For God In Everything You Do

If someone met you on a Monday, would she be able to tell you’re a Christian? Or do you hang up your Christian persona with your Sunday clothes?

Being a Christian isn’t just a family tradition, ritual, or box you check on a religious beliefs questionnaire. The Christian’s life is based on your identity as one redeemed by Christ. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” is what Jesus said (Matthew 22:37). Nowhere in that verse is a clause saying this command is optional outside the church building.

It’s time to stop being a Sunday Jack (or Jill) and start living the life you were called to live!

Christian every day

How to be a Christian Every Day of the Week

  • Worship outside of church. Church is important, but it’s not the only place where worship can happen. Here are a few ideas.
  • Read your Bible every day. 
  • Remember that your conduct is your most powerful witness. The language you use, how you interact with others, and the way you conduct yourself at school and work are important markers of a Christian life. (See Let Your Life Be a Glimpse of God’s Glory.)
  • Invite God into your decision-making. Even the little stuff matters to him.
  • Love lots.
  • Forgive often.
  • Make the fruit of the Spirit your guide. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” -Galatians 5:22-23
  • Don’t shy away from opportunities to witness about Jesus. Terrified by this? Plug into the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • Choose your company wisely. This means your friends and even where you choose to work. Hang out with those who encourage your relationship with Jesus.
  • Put thought into your appearance. It’s unfortunate, but your appearance is often what makes others’ first impression of you. Modesty and purity are important, but so is simply taking good care of yourself. Check out A Christian Girl’s Perspective on Fashion.
  • Be natural. Don’t put on a show. Nothing drives unbelievers away faster than fake piety and worship. Be real in your faith and witness.
  • Constantly examine the sin in your life and evict it. There’s always room for improvement! 

Be a Christian every day, and make it the choice for a lifetime!

More Resources For Teens On How to Live a Christian Life

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2 thoughts on “Not Just On Sunday: How to Be a Christian Every Day”

  1. Our love for God and knowing how he loved us first, is the light to guide us each and every day in all that we say and do.
    Thank you, Lauren. God Bless.

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