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How To Have a Richer Prayer Life By Friday

Wishing for a richer prayer life? Then tell me what’s wrong with this prayer:

Dear God, I’m so worried about this test. Please help me pass it. Give me the answers so I can get a good grade. And help me do well at my game tonight. I’ve been practicing really hard. Thanks, Amen.

First of all, is there such a thing as a wrong prayer? God wants us to come to him in our time of need, and a big test is definitely a time of need! So maybe this is a trick question.

Really, there’s nothing wrong with this prayer—except for what it omits. If all your prayers sound like this one, it means you view God as a short-order cook, standing at your beck and call.

“Hello, I’d like an order of eggs, sunny side up, with sausage links and whole wheat toast. Hold the butter, and could you please also give me a glass of orange juice, preferably low pulp? Thanks.”

Good news: There’s a much richer prayer life awaiting you.

Lauren Thell, author of YA Christian Fiction

Prayer: A Remarkable Privilege

How would you like to be friends with someone who only spoke to you when she wanted to know what you got on #2 of your geometry assignment or needed a ride to the volleyball game?

That’s not much of a relationship and you probably wouldn’t stay friends for long.

Sometimes we forget what a remarkable privilege prayer truly is. We come to God only when we need something and ignore him the rest of the time. And when he doesn’t meet our expectations? We wonder why he’s so mean.

If that’s the only time you talk to God, check out these other types of prayer that will help you cultivate a richer prayer life and a deeper personal relationship with God.


how to have a richer prayer life

1) Praise & Worship

A prayer of praise is an outpouring of your love for God and your recognition of his greatness. This can be as simple as saying, “God, you’re so good,” or as beautiful as a song. In fact, if you’re not sure how to do this, check out your church’s hymnal or songbook. Read the words or sing them out loud. The book of Psalms is also a great place to cultivate a personal relationship with God through praise.

Feel awkward praising God? It’s probably because of how you envision what praise looks and sounds like. Some people naturally gravitate toward a hands-in-the-air, honk-if-you-love-Jesus sort of worship. For others, praise is outwardly quieter because it’s all happening inside.

richer prayer life

God isn’t picky. He cherishes your praise no matter how it’s done.

Related: How do I know if I am acceptable to God?

2) Thanksgiving

Christian teens can thank God

Who doesn’t have something to thank God for? In fact, if you stop to think about it, you should be overwhelmed by how much he has blessed you. His love and salvation, his acceptance of you, his provision, his presence in your life … all things you do not deserve. Yet he gives them freely.

So in addition to worshiping him, you should also feel moved to thank him continuously.

3) Prayer of Faith

Luke 22:42
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The difference between a prayer of faith and a prayer of requests is concession. When you make a request, you ask God to do your will. But in a prayer of faith, you express your concession to his will.

“Lord, I’m afraid, but I know you’ll walk with me through this.”

This is where you acknowledge that you might not get what you want but you trust that his will is higher and better. 

If you want to see God act in your life, the prayer of faith is the beginning.

4) Intercession

Daniel 9:19
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A prayer of intercession is spoken on behalf of another person or group of people. I personally say lots of these kinds of prayers for the leaders of my country and the people on my “hit list” of unbelievers. Intercessory prayers have the benefit of drawing us out of our selfish tendencies and realizing others suffer too.

5) Prayer of the Holy Spirit

Romans 8:26
Jesus left Holy Spirit
richer prayer life

This unusual prayer is often, to our detriment, discluded from lists of prayer types. But it’s the prayer of the Holy Spirit that truly demonstrates the unique relationship we have with God. I can moan and groan and huff and puff and my husband still can’t guess what I want. But when I lie face down on my bed with a sorrow too great for words, God hears me and knows exactly what I’m saying.

Even if I don’t.

The prayer of the Holy Spirit might not include words you speak or hear. When you want to talk to God but don’t know what to say or ask for. The Holy Spirit translates your groans and heartaches into a prayer, and God hears it.

What comfort this is! 

Run to God with your requests, but don’t miss out on the beautiful relationship you can have with him through all types of prayer!

Cultivate a Richer Prayer Life: More Resources for Teens

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Learn more about this remarkable privilege we call prayer:

To see how the Lord’s Prayer can help you pray, check out The Lord’s Prayer Teaches Us How to Pray by Kevin DeYoung (who also has a book on the topic, as referenced in the article).

2 thoughts on “How To Have a Richer Prayer Life By Friday”

  1. It is the amazing Grace of God that we have such a privilege to come to Him in prayer. Beautifully written, Lauren and thank you for always referencing the Bible passages.

  2. Oh Lauren, what a thoughtful and encouraging message about prayer. I use to think my prayers needed to be full of flowery words and beautifully put together to please Him. But over the course of my faith walk I have come to know that I can just talk to him, like a conversation with a good friend, My best friend! Many times I have a running conversation/prayer all day long. It is amazing and as Marcia said, such a privilege. Thank you for once again sharing your ministry in such a meaningful way. Love it and love you. Keep up the good work. ? God bless you.

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