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The Truth About The Lie Behind Peer Pressure

Everybody’s doing it. I don’t want to be the oddball. You might not admit it out loud, but it’s in the back of your mind whenever you encounter pressure to do something. And it doesn’t even have to be something sinful.

Everybody’s dating…going on the school ski trip…signing up for basketball…getting tattoes of roses on their ankles…

The list goes on.

We like to be known for our accomplishments—the things we’ve done that set us apart from the rest of our peers. But very few of us like to stand out for what we don’t do, and that’s what gives peer pressure its power.

Lauren Thell, author of YA Christian Fiction

“Everybody’s doing it!” An Example of Peer Pressure From the Bible

Elijah had reason to be afraid. He’d just facilitated a very public demonstration of God’s might, then ordered the execution of over 900 Baal worshippers—some of whom were the queen’s own men.

And Queen Jezebel wasn’t someone to mess with. When she swore an oath to have his head within twenty-four hours, he fled. Not just to the next town but a day’s journey into the wilderness, all by himself, until he finally fell apart and begged God to end his life.

overcome peer pressure everybody's doing it
1 Kings 19:10

Pause for a minute and see if you can relate.

Do you ever feel like you’re the only one of your kind? The only believer in the room? The only one of your friends who cares about things like purity and holiness? You feel left out, and sometimes you want to give up and give in. After all, what’s wrong with a little fun?

God’s response to Elijah is the same response he gives to you.

1 Kings 19:18

Translation: You. Are. Not. Alone.

#ThroughFireIsaiah432: Never Alone

overcome peer pressure

This is the lie that gives peer pressure its power—the myth that you are the only one who isn’t drinking, or having sex, or stealing road signs, or toilet papering the neighborhood, or [fill in the blank with whatever you’re feeling pressured to do right now].

It’s exactly that—a lie.

Integrity is quiet while sin likes to flaunt.

You are not alone. Someone else is also rebelling against the same pressure you feel. Look around and see if you can spot them. You might have to look hard because integrity is quiet while sin likes to flaunt. But they’re there.

And if you see no one else around you standing up to peer pressure, find some new friends! The secret to overcoming the lie is to stop believing it and replace it with truth.

Overcome Peer Pressure With Proverbs

Solomon had a lot to say about standing up to peer pressure. Take his words and engrain them in your brain for the next time you’re struggling.

More Helpful Bible Verses About Peer Pressure

The Bible is rife with verses encouraging you to stand firm. Here are just a few.

More Resources For Helping Christian Teens Overcome Peer Pressure

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