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Christian Teen & Young Adult Blog—Fuel For Your Faith

seduction of unattainable beauty

Proverbs 31: How to Rise Above the Seduction of Unattainable Beauty

Who decided all-over body hair is acceptable for men while women must have perfectly smooth, hairless legs? Why are slim thighs and large breasts considered ideal? Where did we get the idea that blonde hair needs to be blonder, black skin should be lighter, and light skin should be tanned?… Read More »Proverbs 31: How to Rise Above the Seduction of Unattainable Beauty

indestructible faith

Indestructible Faith: How to Toughen Up For Hard Times

Part 2 of Mental Toughness for Christian Teens They’re comfortable being uncomfortable and they stand out everywhere they go. Those are the characteristics of mentally tough Christians, as discussed in Part 1: Let’s Get Uncomfortable. But there’s one more roadblock that prevents indestructible faith, and it starts with facing another… Read More »Indestructible Faith: How to Toughen Up For Hard Times

mental toughness for Christian teens

Let’s Get Uncomfortable: Mental Toughness for Christian Teens

When I hear the phrase “mental toughness,” I envision a soldier trained to encounter the worst of mankind in the worst of conditions. The U.S. Navy SEALs are known for this. Typically called upon to take out high-value targets or gather intelligence behind enemy lines, SEALs operate in maritime, jungle,… Read More »Let’s Get Uncomfortable: Mental Toughness for Christian Teens