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New Year’s Resolution Success: A Biblical Approach to Fitness For Teens

The dust has settled on another holiday season, the calendar flipped to a new year, and BOOM! Suddenly everyone’s focused on getting in shape. 

“This year, I’m going to … drink less soda … cut back on carbs … lose fifteen pounds … work on my six-pack.” 

I love January optimism. The problem is, it tends to wane by February, and all but fizzle out by March. So how can you defy statistics and be the one who succeeds? Let’s take a Biblical approach to fitness for teens and pave the way for New Year’s resolution success.

(FYI, this works any time of the year. It’s never too late to pursue better health and fitness!)

Lauren Thell, author of YA Christian Fiction

First: Is it Christian to make New Year’s resolutions that focus on the body?

If you’re asking this question, good for you! It means you recognize that as a Christian, nothing you do is ever entirely for yourself. Jesus commands us to love and serve others above ourselves, and one could argue that focusing on your body does exactly the opposite. (In my last post, I talked about New Year’s resolutions that will benefit others.)

But contrary to what some may imply, there’s nothing selfish or un-Christian about making a New Year’s resolution regarding physical fitness. In a minute, you will see why this type of resolution is not entirely for yourself.

What does the Bible say about your body?

Ever wonder why you have a body in the first place? Why didn’t God simply leave us as invisible souls floating around in some ghostly form?

The body is a magnificent gift, created and given to us by God—because he loves us. In return, we have the incredible privilege of loving and serving him in more than one dimension. 

Clearly, God does not want you to be flippant about your physical self. Your body was created to serve. So kudos to you if you’ve made any fitness goals or resolutions regarding your health!

A Biblical Approach to Fitness For Teens: “Why am I doing this?”

A Biblical Approach to Fitness For Teens

For the maximum chance of success, first, assess your motivation as to why you want to get fit.

Are you a “pleasantly plump” girl who’s sick of that phrase and tired of being teased for your weight? Do you envy your “bikini body” friends, or feel self-conscious in the locker room? Have you been reading the latest sports mags featuring photos of athletes with shredded abs? Are you trying to catch the eye of a member of the opposite sex?

These are all strong motivators, but they are all the wrong reasons to lose weight and get in shape. Because all focus on body image. If body image is what you struggle with, please check out my post For a Positive Body Image, Start With The Truth.

Set Your sight on the Right Bullseye

If you’ve made it your goal to change something about your body, remember:

Your body was not created for your pleasure. You were made to serve God.

Does God need you to have six-pack abs and a body mass index of exactly 18.5? Probably not. But does he want you to have a healthy heart and not be bogged down by the chronic health problems and mobility issues that come from lingering at an unhealthy weight for too long or eating too much sugar and French fries?

You bet. You can’t serve the Almighty at full capacity if you’re not healthy.

Your body was not created for your own pleasure. You were made to serve God.

Health and fitness goals made any time of the year are actually a very Christian thing to do—as long as you aim for the right bullseye. Are you a size 10 or 12 who thinks she needs to lose weight? Unless your doctor told you to do so, you might be aiming for the wrong bullseye. Are you at a healthy weight, but don’t like the look of your thighs in shorts? You might be aiming for the wrong bullseye.

Center your goals around reaching maximum health so you are ready to serve.

Paul’s Fitness Resolution

See what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 9:

A Biblical Approach to Fitness For Teens

Let this be your motivation for change. Do it because a healthy body is one prepared to serve and glorify God. 

Find New Year’s Resolution Success With These Resources

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Now that you have the right motivation for change, it’s time to put Christ at the center of your health and fitness goals. Check out my post Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick This Time!

And learn more about glorifying God in all you do: Let Your Life Be a Glimpse of God’s Glory.

May God bless your efforts!

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