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Your Identity is in Christ: See How God Sees You

How do you identify yourself when you meet a stranger? 

Your identity is how you define yourself, whether white or Asian, male or female, athlete or brainiac. But sometimes, in trying to fit in somewhere, we forget the most important one:

Lauren Thell, author of YA Christian Fiction

Who Are You?

When you identify with a certain group—a family, an organization, a personality type, an ethnicity, an occupation, or a lifestyle—you feel grounded. You know who you are and where you belong. If I identify as a diehard Leonid & Friends fan, I will feel an instant connection when I meet another Leonid & Friends fan on the street. We will probably talk about our favorite band members and songs, maybe go to a concert together.

Then there are our other identities, the ones we don’t brag about in conversation.

How would you like to go about life with a label like that stamped on your forehead?

The Case of Shifting Identities

identity is in Christ

Identities shift. One day, you find you don’t know who you are anymore. 

Who are you today? You might identify yourself as a star basketball player, but what happens when an auto accident claims one of your legs? What label will you assume next? Depressed amputee?

Maybe you identify strongly with the Smith Family. What happens when death or conflict rips into your family, shaking your very core? 

The truth is, identities shift. Just ask any recent graduate or someone who unexpectedly lost a long-held job. One day, you find you don’t know who you are anymore. That’s an unsettling feeling. 

But one identity true of all Christians will never change: Your identity as a child of God.

Your identity is in Christ.

Come wind and high water, you always know who you are when you remember your identity is in Christ.

The Tragedy of Mistaken Identity

You’ve been told you need a positive self-image to rise above negative traits, but what you really need is a correct self-image.

Some labels we give ourselves aren’t so good. When you assume a label such as social loser, alcoholic, or homosexual, it cements that characteristic into your mind, leading you to believe you can never change. 

What a tragic way to see yourself!

Never let any other identity overshadow your real identity. You’ve been told over and over you need a positive self-image to rise above negative traits, but what you really need is a correct self-image, based on truth. And the truth is what God says about you. 

Your Identity is In Christ—Embrace it!

Who will you identify with? Adam and all his shifting and imperfect identities? Or Christ?

Only in Christ will you find life and freedom. 

Yes, I am an author of Christian YA fiction, a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, a professional musician, and a backyard astronomer. But when the day ends and those titles shift, I find peace in knowing my true identity is in Christ, and I hope you will too.

Your Status Before God: See Yourself The Way God Sees You

Want proof? Check out these seven Bible passages that show your status before God. Read one a day, or the same one several times over a period of days to allow each word to soak into your heart.

1) Worthy: Luke 22:14-34

This scene of Jesus’ last supper occurs in Matthew and Mark as well, but the way Luke tells the story makes it very personal to all believers. Pay special attention to verse 19. This isn’t just a cute little ritual he wants us to continue forever and ever. He did this for you.

2) Justified: Romans 5:1-11

Verse one of this section captures the essence in a perfect nutshell: justified through faith … peace with God … But every verse after is a gem in itself. If you’re looking for scripture to boost your confidence, take your pick from this section.

Related: Jesus Saved You From Sin, Death, Hell—And God.

3) Adopted: Romans 8:9-17

This entire chapter is packed with treasure for the believer, but I’ve narrowed it down to a section of nine key verses so as not to overwhelm anyone’s brain. Be sure to read verse 15 several times and let the message take root in your heart.

You aren’t merely God’s acquaintance. You are his child. The creator of the universe is Daddy to you. (Or Papa, or whatever term of affection you prefer to use with someone who is your loving father.)

Your status before God

4) One in Christ: Galatians 3:26-4:7

I used to wonder if I was somehow inferior in God’s eyes because I am not (to my knowledge) a direct descendant of his people, the Jews. If you have the same question, take a moment to ponder the verses of this section, particularly 3:28. Thanks to Jesus, membership in God’s exclusive club is now open to everyone.

Related: How Do I Know If I am Acceptable to God?

5) Under his feet: Ephesians 1:15-23

But not like a discarded bread crust or a child who’s in the way. One can’t talk about her status before God without acknowledging his authority over all things. Pay extra attention to verse 22. You might feel offended at first because you’re conditioned to see subordination as a bad thing, but I hope you’ll eventually come to see the benefits of being under one who is as all-loving as he is almighty.

6) Loved: Ephesians 5:21-33

Since this is a blog for Christian teens, I will assume most of you reading this are not married and are, therefore, scratching your heads over why I would include this passage containing instructions about marriage. (Indeed, the NIV title for this section is Instructions for Christian Households.) But this time when you read it, focus not on the actions of the husband or wife, but on Christ’s actions, particularly in verses 25 through 27.

Do you see why this isn’t just about marriage? I hope so.

Related: How to Really, Truly Know God Loves You.

7) Redeemed: 1 Peter 1:13-25

The overall theme of this last passage about your status before God is “be holy.” If you’re one who bristles at being told what to do, spend a few minutes with verses 18 and 19. From there, it’s pretty much self-explanatory.

Related: What is the Hardest Thing to Believe About Christianity?

More For Christian Teens Eager to Embrace Their True Identity

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Justified, adopted, loved, redeemed . . . When you have questions about your status before God, ask him! His word is truth.

Another great article for Christian teens: Who I Am in Christ (article from Forward in Christ)

Check out these posts for more on embracing a full life as a child of God:

3 thoughts on “Your Identity is in Christ: See How God Sees You”

  1. Best identity, child of God! What peace and comfort we have with that gift from God. Thank you, Lauren for always writing of what God tells us in his true Word.

  2. What a great reminder. What a remarkable extended family to be a part of, not just here, but for eternity. Yay, Jesus! ❤️

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