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5 Reasons Why We Need Christian Books For Teens

Unless you just stumbled onto my website (welcome!), you probably already know that while I spend a good amount of time on my nonfiction blog, my true passion lies in writing fictional Christian books for teens. 

Fiction powered by faith. 

The most skeptical of you might wonder why we need Christian books for teens. After all, there is a market for clean YA fiction. Isn’t that good enough?

I’m glad you asked.

Hi, I’m Lauren Thell, author of Christian YA fiction and blogger for teens who are ready to exceed the world’s expectations.

1) More Than Just “Clean”

As an author, reader, and mother, I certainly tip my hat to those (think Kasie West and Ally Carter) who have dedicated themselves to crafting entertaining novels for teens without resorting to explicit sex, glorified underage drinking, gory violence, and crude language. Considering all the not-so-clean forms of entertainment clamoring for a reader’s attention in our current world, this is not an easy task. 

Leaving God out of a story is like stepping out of the house without pants on. Something big is missing.

I considered writing for the clean YA fiction market and staying in honorable but neutral territory. Then I imagined trying to reach the climax of a novel without the “Aha!” moment that faith brings, and I realized:

Leaving God out of a story is like stepping out of the house without pants on. Something big is missing.

My own life is driven by a faith in someone far more powerful and intelligent than I am. Why would my stories be any different?

I won’t settle for the limits of human capability, and my hope is that you, the reader, will choose to do the same in your own life after reading one of my books. Which is why we need Christian books for teens.

2) A Step Toward the Ultimate Literature: God’s Word

Even the best Christian fiction cannot replace dedicated time spent studying scripture, but let’s face it: Sometimes the Bible is an intimidating, complicated read, even for those of us who have been doing it awhile. Yes, you can find answers, but you have to know where to look. (Trouble navigating the Bible? Try These Helpful Tricks!)

That’s where a fictional character in a Christian YA story can become your friend.

why we need Christian books for teens

Watch him struggle with the same issues you struggle with. Live through his mistakes without making them yourself.  Learn about God’s Word alongside him. See what biblical truths he unearths that apply to your situation. He may just lead you right where you need to go in the Bible.

3) Not Everyone Does It: A Weapon in the Fight Against Peer Pressure

Christian YA fiction shows there are others like you.

Not everyone tastes their first alcoholic drink (not counting communion wine) before the age of twenty-one. Not everyone considers sexual intimacy an expected part of dating. Not everyone is okay with foul language. And yes, some of us pray and go to church because we want to, not because we have to.

Isn’t it a relief when you read about someone like you? Someone who walks the same path you do and faces similar opposition? 

Christian YA fiction shows there are others like you.

4) Watch Someone Else Tackle Life With Faith

The characters in Christian YA fiction can show us how to handle a worldly problem from a Godly standpoint—or, they show us what happens when we don’t. 

Let’s face it, sometimes Christians doubt. Sometimes our faith splinters and we wonder if God really cares—or is he there at all? These are real-life issues, and they happen with fictional characters as well.

Watch someone else struggle with faith—and be inspired to hold tight to yours.

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5) Fill Your Mind With Holy Things

What you think about shapes you. It reforms who you are at your deepest level.

Ever heard the saying “Garbage in, garbage out”? Yeah, that’s an old one, but it’s hung around for so long because it’s true. What you eat determines the overall health of your body. What you fill your mind with determines the path of your words and actions. If you’re binging on media that ratifies crude language and teenage sex, your beliefs will move toward compromise and, eventually, acceptance.

What you think about shapes you. It reforms who you are at your deepest level, remaking you in the image of your deepest thoughts.

why we need Christian books for teens

So fill your mind with holy thoughts!

More on Why We Need Christian Books for Teens

Check out this interesting article by Jody Hedlund: To Those Who Stick Up Their Noses At Christian Fiction.

And now that you’re convinced to fill your bookshelf with Christian YA fiction, it’s time to talk about why you might have a difficult time doing that: Why is it so Hard to Find Christian YA Fiction?

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