I am someone whose mood is directly affected by the weather. More specifically, I think, by the clouds. If it’s bright and sunny outside, I find it much easier to be cheerful than on those days when the clouds spread across the sky in a thin haze, dimming the sun’s luminance. And when the entire sky is blanketed by a thick quilt of dreary, gray clouds? Those are the days when I want to pull the covers back over my head and decide I’ll try again tomorrow.
Do you struggle with feeling blue? It’s hard to trust God is always there when you’re shrouded in the fog of life. Sometimes he just seems so…invisible.
You don’t have to have all the answers.
But, hey, why not?
Bring me your questions about faith, life, God, the Bible… and I’ll help you find the answers.
In This Article
The Sun Still Shines, and God is Always There
Recently, I went on a trip via airplane. I hadn’t done that in a while so it felt like an exciting, new experience all over again. It was cloudy in Minneapolis when we took off, and when we went into the clouds, the plane shuddered with the turbulence. But then suddenly we were above those clouds. And as we climbed higher and higher, we passed through more layers until we were above them all, in the full, blazing glory of the sun.
Not to steal Aladdin’s line, but it was unequivocally a “whole new world.”
That day, I was reminded of a comforting truism: The sun is always shining, even when we cannot see it.
Where is God in my life?
Do you feel like life has you under a dreary, gray quilt of suffocating thickness? Does God’s voice seem distant—or absent altogether?
You beg and pray for his intervention, for any direction at all. You wonder if he’s left you to fend for yourself. Perhaps you aren’t sure he’s there at all.
Here’s what the Bible has to say about that:
I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber…
Psalm 121:1-3
Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.
Psalm 139:7-10
Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. I cling to you; your right hand upholds me.
Psalm 63:7-8
Do you see a theme here? God does not rest, and he doesn’t take any coffee breaks from watching over you. There may be times when you can’t see his hand in your life and you start to wonder if he’s still there.
Rest assured he is, because he says so in his Word.
Faith is being certain of what you cannot see. You can be certain the sun is still shining, even when it’s cloudy. And you can rest assured that God is still watching over you, acting on your behalf, even when you cannot see him or feel his presence.
You can trust that God is always there.
What goes on behind the scenes?
Lots of crazy stuff happens above the clouds. At about 37,000 feet, the temperature can fall below -60℉, and the winds can exceed 100 mph. That’s what it was like on the day we flew over Chicago. The Windy City was stuck under a blanket of gray so thick and heavy the sun was all but invisible.
But I can testify that it was still shining, still affecting the atmosphere and the weather, still maintaining the cycles of days and seasons, still warming us and keeping us alive.
God also is not sitting idle on his throne in the distant heavens. He is acting, moving over the earth, breathing life into you, carrying you through the cloudiest of days and the darkest of nights.
Rejoice! God is always there for you.
For More Encouragement
- Psalm 121 (read the whole thing—I only quoted part in this post)
- Trust God Instead of Freaking Out
- Seeking Jesus: Where is He Now?