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Why You Can Trust God Instead of Freaking Out

In a moment of panic, what is your default reaction: To trust God to protect you, or to freak out and initiate your fight-or-flight response? 

I probably fall into the second category more often than I care to admit. 

Faith literally requires you to trust something you cannot see, and that’s probably the biggest roadblock you’ll encounter in your search for truth. It’s not strictly non-believers who struggle with this. It trips up believers all the time as well.

Yes, I believe Jesus Christ died for my sins. But do I trust God to keep me safe right now, as a severe storm makes a direct assault on my house? Is he really watching over me, ready to intervene on my behalf, as I prepare to stand up and defend a poor underclassman from a bully who very well may turn on me? How about when I travel a dark road in an unfamiliar locale alone? Or when I’m about to express a viewpoint that is Biblical but not popular?

These are the moments that make faith challenging.

Lauren Thell, author of YA Christian Fiction

Let me tell you a story… 

Gus was afraid. His boss had divulged top-secret information about an enemy’s whereabouts, and the enemy just found out. Now an entire army was coming for them. When Gus awoke the next morning, he found the city surrounded. Imagine waking up to legions of soldiers carrying the fiercest weapons of the time, all lined up with one goal in mind: to take you out.

Naturally, Gus panicked.

“Oh, my lord, what shall we do?”

But his boss wasn’t afraid. He knew something Gus didn’t. “Don’t be afraid. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Then he prayed for Gus’s eyes to be opened. Suddenly, Gus looked and saw an even bigger army, with deadlier weapons, filling the countryside.

An army whose presence the enemy remained completely unaware of.

This is a true story. We’re never told what Gus’s real name was, but his boss’s name was Elisha, and you can read all about it—and its unusual ending—in 2 Kings 6:8-23.

What about me?

“So what?” you might say. “That happened during Biblical times. God was more active in protecting his people then, right?” 

Not true. God may have made his presence known more often during ancient times, but he hasn’t become absent or powerless since. The Bible does not end with God dying, but with God living on forever and loving his people. He’s as active in our lives as ever.

How do I know this? Because David said so in Psalm 34:7:

“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.” 

Do you realize what this means? You have our own 24/7 personal protection service, one more powerful and all-seeing than the President’s own Secret Service! You’re basically surrounded by a protective force field at all times, no matter where you go.

Except, this isn’t some sci-fi concept, but a real thing. You can trust God to protect you—because he promised he will.

sword of the spirit trust God to protect

Trust God to protect you from what can really harm you.

What about when bad things still happen, even after you put your trust in God? Does that mean he lied—or isn’t as strong as you thought? 


Don’t mistake the promises of the Bible for saying you will always live a comfortable life with no illness, injury, or opposition as long as you trust in God. If you read my post Are You Ready to Pay the Highest Price? you already know being a Christian is no guarantee of a cushy life and, in fact, the opposite may be true.

But remember this:

  1. You can’t always see when God intervenes on your behalf. Unlike Gus, your eyes might never be opened to the ways God has changed a particular outcome for you.
  2. God’s priority is to protect your soul. What you perceive as bad, he might in fact allow to happen to make you seek the strength and power found only in him. You do not need to fear the things that the rest of the world fears.
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If you’re still having trouble trusting God…

Don’t feel bummed if you aren’t ready to take on the world right now. Reading about trusting God once in a blog is not likely to instill boldness of faith in your heart. You can’t eat once and expect to be satisfied for life!

That’s why it’s so important to spend regular time studying your Bible and surround yourself with other Christians who are active in their faith. Keep reading, keep praying, keep worshipping. Want fuel for your faith sent right to your inbox? Sign up for my weekly blog updates and monthly inspirational note.

Take heart. The angel of the Lord is encamped around you. Those who fear God need not be afraid of anything!