Ever have a time when your parents told you to do something and you asked “Why? “and they responded with “Because I said so?” So annoying. As a kid, you probably wondered why adults are allowed to use excuses like that.
But did you ever pause to consider maybe they were doing you a favor by answering that way?
I spend a lot of time on this blog talking about the whys of God’s commands. Why can’t we use colorful language when we’re mad? Why do we have to go to church? Why can’t a girl live with her boyfriend before we’re married? Why can’t one man marry another? It’s okay to dig into the Bible and learn why you should follow a particular command. But sometimes the most important reason to obey God is because God said so—and no one loves you more than him.
Hi, I’m Lauren Thell, author of Christian YA fiction and blogger for teens who are ready to exceed the world’s expectations.
=In This Article
Why Should I Care What God Says?
Just a quick recap of your history: God sent his son, who was perfect, to switch places with you. Jesus took on your grimy sin, you took on his faultless perfection. Why? Because he loves you. Because he wants you to enjoy an eternity with him. Because he want you to have all the fullness of him forever. There is no question that this was an act of extreme love.
There should also be no question that everything he has done before then and since then has been done out of continued love for you. He gave you a magnificent world full of beautiful and intriguing things to explore and enjoy. He has given you every good thing you have in your life, including clothes to wear, food to eat, friends, family, education, a place to work… The list is endless.
So why should you care what God says? You should care because no one has or ever will love you like God does. He loves you even when you don’t care.
And because he loves you, he also gave you rules for living.
Rules Are A Blessing, Not a Burden
I know you probably want to roll your eyes at this one, but rules are a blessing. Rules keep us safe and help us enjoy things the way they were meant to be enjoyed. I own an acoustic piano that has the capability of making incredible music. Sure, I could pound sounds out of it using a hammer, but if I want to enjoy it to its fullest potential, I have to learn how to play it with delicate fingers and know which notes sound good together.
Rules are a blessing when you want to make true and beautiful music.
God gives us rules to help us enjoy our earthly life . Sometimes the reason for those rules is obvious (i.e. you shall not murder because it ends a life and people won’t like you very much). But some rules are harder to explain (i.e. what exactly does God define as adultery and why?). Does that mean you don’t have to follow them? Of course not. Just realize they’re there for your protection.
The most important reason to obey God is because he loves you.
Why Should We Obey God?
God tells us exactly how to love him back. He could have turned it into a guessing game or made it like a game of darts where you have to work to hit that exact bullseye, but he didn’t. He lays it out plainly in the Bible:
“Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them… Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.”
John 14:21, 23
If you love God, you will obey his commands. (See What is God’s Love Language?) God is under no obligation to explain every little thing he tells us. We would never be able to grasp it all if he did:
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Isaiah 55:8-9
Just know he loves you. The proper response for that is loving trust in his loving goodness.
The Number One, Most Important Reason to Obey God
“Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.”
2 Corinthians 7:1
When it might not seem clear why you can’t participate in something God forbids, just remember that he is God and you are not. He loves you and he wants you to take pleasure in him before anything else because he knows there is no greater source of joy to be found. So just do it because he says so—and you love him!
And the next time you parents say, “Because I said so,” to your question of why, I dare you to thank them for teaching you godly patience!
More On God’s Love & Loving God
You don’t have to have all the answers.
but, hey, why not?
Bring me your questions about faith, life, God, the Bible… and I’ll help you find the answers.
Still struggling with God’s love? Check out How to Really, Truly Know God Loves You and the verses in True Love on Valentine’s Day, No Matter Your Relationship Status.
Want some specifics on showing your love to God? See How to Love God: What is God’s Love Language? Plus 14 Ways to Love God More This Year from the Blazing Center.
More posts to help Christian teens grow in the Lord:
- For Better or Worse: How Deep is Your Devotion to God?
- 8 Ways to Grow in the Fear of God
- Teens for Christ: What Does it Mean to Fear God?
- True Love on Valentine’s Day, No Matter Your Relationship Status