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“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” -1 Peter 4:8

find true love on Valentine's Day Christian teen

True Love on Valentine’s Day, No Matter Your Relationship Status

Valentine’s Day: a holiday typically adored by swoony couples and loathed by singles everywhere. Where do you land on that spectrum? It’s terribly tempting to become a Valentine’s Day Grinch if you’re not in a romantic relationship when February 14th rolls around, especially if you’re in high school where everyone, it… Read More »True Love on Valentine’s Day, No Matter Your Relationship Status

Christian romance

Christian Romance: The Lie Behind the First Kiss in Fiction

When you pick up a novel of any given genre, you have certain expectations of what you’ll find, right? If it’s fantasy, the characters must exhibit some type of mystical powers. For paranormal fiction, vampires, ghosts or werewolves are likely to be present. Sci-fi involves a lot of futuristic technology.… Read More »Christian Romance: The Lie Behind the First Kiss in Fiction