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living pure in a sexual culture

Not a Hint: Living Pure in a Sexual Culture

Sex sells.  According to multiple sources across the net, roughly 85% of movies—including 68% of G-rated movies(!)—contain sexual content ranging from innuendo to full-out intercourse. Approximately 73% of all music videos contain sexual content, with the highest percentages in Hip-Hop and R&B. For video games rated “teen,” over 30% include… Read More »Not a Hint: Living Pure in a Sexual Culture

problem with clean YA fiction for Christian teens

The Problem With Clean YA Fiction For Christian Teens

In an age where things that used to make people gasp and blush are now commonplace in literature—especially, young adult literature—it’s great to see a thriving “clean” YA fiction market. This means enough readers still demand virtue and integrity in their media. And if you’re a Christian, you might be… Read More »The Problem With Clean YA Fiction For Christian Teens

right reason for purity

The Right Reason for Purity: It’s Not What You Think

Popular culture wants you to think purity is outdated and irrelevant—an oppressive relic spilled over from the Elizabethan Era. “Forget purity. Follow your heart, be true to yourself, do what makes you feel like you.” The typical Christian response, however, would seem to support this tainted view of purity. Wearing… Read More »The Right Reason for Purity: It’s Not What You Think