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Jesus Defeated Death—And Now You Will Too

The saddest thing I’ve ever seen was a funeral without hope.

Typically labeled a “Celebration of Life,” this type of funeral merely reflects on the deceased’s earthly life and accomplishments. His buoyant attitude or her kindness to animals might be mentioned, but there’s nothing to celebrate because no matter how amazing their life was, it’s over now.

That’s how it would be for all of us, had this not happened:

Luke 12:37-39

Most people who go to the grave stay there, but Jesus? Jesus defeated death.

Lauren Thell, author of YA Christian Fiction

Jesus’ Death Was the Beginning Of Life, Not the End

I do not know what it’s like to die.

I’ve experienced moments of excruciating physical pain to the point where death seemed like a real possibility, but I’ve never actually crossed that threshold. I do know—as do you—that death is the end of a life. There’s no coming back from it.

But Jesus’ death broke this cycle.

The moment Jesus died, a bunch of people popped out of their graves and started walking around like a real zombie apocalypse! Isn’t that crazy?

What’s crazier is that billions of souls were saved that day. Those guys that came to life again didn’t stay alive forever, at least not in the body. But their souls lived forever because he died. Jesus’ death was the beginning of life for man. He took your place on the cross, saving you from God’s wrath. (See my post Jesus Saved You From Sin, Death, Hell—And God.)

And then he rose, giving you resurrection hope.

Resurrection Hope: Because He Lives, You Will Too

It wasn’t enough for Jesus to simply die. He needed to conquer death—to kill this product of sin. Had he not been resurrected, there would be no Easter. No glory, no hope for eternal life for anyone. But, as 1 Corinthians 15:54 says, because Jesus rose from the grave, “death has been swallowed up in victory!” 

resurrection hope

Jesus defeated death when he rose from the grave. Because of that, when you die, your physical life on earth might end, but your eternal life will begin.

This is your resurrection hope: the certainty that what’s to come is far bigger and better than anything you’ve ever known or imagined. Ever been on a long road trip where you’re stuck in the car with siblings who seem deadset on destroying your sanity, and you just want to call it off and turn around but you know the destination at the end will be the awesomest place you’ve ever seen?

This is so much better.

Resurrection hope isn’t simply the expectation of future relief from physical pain. Your resurrection hope changes you now. It turns you from wickedness to holiness because you recognize what you suffer here in the short term is a blink compared to the lasting glory of an eternity with Christ. Burdens become opportunities to experience and long for more of God. And pleasures? 

They’re nothing but appetizers to the grand feast awaiting you in heaven.

What you hope for tomorrow changes who you are today. 

What you hope for tomorrow changes who you are today. Hope helps you reject the allure of sin, endure life’s battles, and eagerly anticipate an extraordinary, over-the-top eternal joy in God’s presence.

That’s resurrection hope at work in you right now. Because he rose, you will rise too. Rejoice!

John 16:33

For Further Reading

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Check out these Bible passages to learn more about how Jesus’ death affects your life:

See how your resurrection hope changes you:

More on the resurrection and eternity: