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5 Terrific Reasons Why Christian Teens Should Read Fiction

Have you been on Facebook lately? YouTube? Instagram? TikTok? Rare is the teen (or adult, for that matter) who hasn’t visited any type of social media in the past twenty-four hours. For some the question is not if but how often. (If that sounds like you, see my post 8 Signs That You Are Addicted to Social Media.)

But what about this: Have you read a good book lately? I’m not talking about the Bible this time—though yes, that’s a very important book and one you should read every day. And while I’m a big lover of well-written nonfiction, that’s not what I’m referring to here either.

I’m talking about the classic entertainment found in the fiction aisle of your local library or bookstore.

Let’s talk about why Christian teens should read fiction.

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Why Christian Teens Should Read Fiction—Both Christian and Secular

First, let me be clear that I’m not speaking strictly of Christian fiction. Yes, Christian YA fiction holds great value for young readers, as detailed in my post Why We Need Christian Young Adult Literature. But, as an intriguing article in Westmont Magazine explains, clean, wholesome secular fiction can accomplish the following objectives too.

(Just remember that clean and wholesome part.)

1) Reading sharpens your worldview. 

Worldview is defined as “as a particular philosophy of life or conception of the world.” As a Christian, you already have a well-defined philosophy of life, but how strong is your faith if it’s untested?

Books offer you a way to test out your values on a fictional stage. You get to “try out” different characters and see what it’s like to walk in their shoes. Even mystical books like Harry Potter and Twilight have value in showing us what the world could be like if the rules were changed. What choices lead to honor and which ones lead to shame? Each journey will bring your worldview into sharper focus.

2) FYI, reading improves language skills. DYK?

OMG, I’m having total FOMO!!! They’re totally gonna crush it! If anyone can give me a ride, DM me ASAP. G2G, LOL

Um, does anyone know how to spell with real words anymore? Or concoct a paragraph with an opening sentence and supporting facts? Can you lay out a sound argument using full sentences with descriptive language? 

Language skills are especially important for Christians because Christians are constantly called upon to explain and defend our beliefs. That’s really hard to do if you don’t have a good grasp on language. People will take you more seriously if you’re not clumsy with your words and you’re less likely to be misunderstood (as happens a lot on social media). Reading quality fiction will help develop your tongue.

3) Reading cultivates excellence. 

Scrolling through social media might be pleasurable and informative, but the short bursts of text on social media require very little thought or commitment. Committing to a good book takes the kind of effort and perseverance that really exercises the brain. In their own way, those who read demand excellence from a culture swamped in cheap substitutes.

How’s that for taking a stand?

why Christian teens should read fiction

4) Reading makes you more empathetic. 

Reading novels lets you step into someone else’s world and live behind-the-scenes. How would you have treated this character whose life is drastically different from yours if you had simply met her on the street? Reading opens your eyes to the plight of those around you. The more you read, the more practice you will get at “walking a mile in someone else’s shoes.” 

5) Reading can help you learn how to be an adult.

Your school might offer classes on personal finance, driving, or even parenting, but there is no all-encompassing course on “Adulting.” While life itself is pretty good at teaching lessons, you can speed up your growth by reading fiction!

I could go into a whole dissertation about how reading novels helps develop critical thinking skills, emotional intelligence, communication, blah, blah, blah, but there are plenty of other places on the internet for you to *read* up on that. Just take my word for it.

Reading is not only beneficial, but enjoyable, so why not do it? 

Now that I know why I should read, WHAT should I read?

I’m glad you asked!

For starters, check out my post check out my post Building a Pure Heart: More Effective Than Banning Books. While I do not have any novels in print (yet!), my short stories are always available for reading. (They are longer than a Facebook post but shorter than a 300-page novel—and some are free!)

A few specific recommendations:

Let me reemphasize the need for CLEAN and WHOLESOME YA fiction. In a market exceedingly saturated with racy literature, sometimes that’s hard to find. Which is why I encourage you to subscribe to my newsletter. In addition to a free short story ebook, you’ll get my monthly reading recommendations for both fiction and nonfiction books.

Because there’s only so much I can post on my blog!

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2 thoughts on “5 Terrific Reasons Why Christian Teens Should Read Fiction”

  1. Great suggestions and direction. We are never done LEARNING and reading is a wonderful way of doing just that!
    So many good reading choices and your posts are a very good choice for sure!

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