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No Fear of the New Year: God Holds Your Future

Welcome to a brand new year! Are you excited about the next twelve months? Do you have big plans, like a graduation or an exciting spring break trip? A move from high school to college, or from college to the big world? 

For some, the flip of the calendar is reason for anxiety, especially if you’re facing family tumult or just found out someone you love has a terminal illness and won’t make it another twelve months. Maybe the past 365 days were rough for you and you have no reason to believe the next 365 will be any better.

Perhaps the milestones that excite your peers—such as starting college—terrify you and you’re not looking forward to them at all.

Wherever you fall on the spectrum, you’re not alone. But one thing reigns true: God holds your future.

Lauren Thell, author of YA Christian Fiction

When Life Becomes a High-Speed Chase

One of my favorite movies is about a young man who was coerced into working as the getaway driver for a crime boss. As you can imagine, there were some pretty intense high-speed chase scenes. When I looked at behind-the-scenes making-of-the-movie footage, however, I was intrigued to learn that the chases were real, not computer generated, and the vehicle was actually controlled by a trained stunt driver strapped into an apparatus on top while the actors did their thing inside of it. At no point was the vehicle ever out of control. 

But you never see the stunt driver in the movie.

Does your life feel like it’s spiraling out of control? Perhaps you’re in a relationship that isn’t going well, or you’re struggling at school, or your family is in the midst of a crisis. If so, consider Jesus’ last words to his disciples: 

Jesus might have physically left the world at that point, but that doesn’t mean he’s gone. He promised to be with them always, and that includes us, his modern-day disciples.

So where is he?

Jesus Is In Control

Jesus dwells in us through the Holy Spirit. Check out these scripture passages:

Jesus hasn’t left. Even when you mess up, or when someone else messes something up, he still has control over the situation, and at no point does he ever take his hands off the steering wheel. 

Don’t be Afraid of Leopards: God Holds Your Future

While running errands a while back, my five-year-old declared from the backseat, “Mom, I’m not afraid of leopards.”

His candor brought a smile to my face. “Well that’s good,” I said, “because we don’t have any leopards around here.”

His reply? “But I wouldn’t be afraid of leopards even if we did because God is here.”

no fear of the new year: God holds your future

He makes a solid point: Why are we afraid of anything? God has said it plainly, “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9) and, “surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). Need more proof? Check out Psalm 139:

Ahh, the lessons taught by a five-year-old.

It’s safe to say God is here with you, with me, everywhere. We have no reason to fear the coming year because with God, it’s just another year. He hasn’t changed and he hasn’t left.

No Fear of the New Year: “God, help me focus on you!”

God holds your future

Don’t think there’s something wrong with you if knowing God is present doesn’t automatically lay your fears to rest. Like some of the most annoying weeds in my garden, fear, anxiety, and depression put down deep roots. They have to be pulled repeatedly before they die.

But this is what’s so awesome about God: He can turn your fear into faith. He’s not like us humans who might become offended if you say, “I’m having a hard time focusing on you when you speak. Will you please help me?” God wants you to come to him in your imperfect state and he knows you need his help believing him. Find him in prayer and in his Word.

Faith Over Fear: More Resources For Letting Go

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You choose faith over fear when you dig into the Bible. Need a starting point? Check out these posts, which all contain helpful Bible passages:

More scripture proof that Jesus is in control can be found in:

God holds your future. No matter what’s on your calendar, a new year brings new chances for spiritual growth, stronger faith, and a renewed closeness with him. May you move forward knowing he has great things in store for you!

2 thoughts on “No Fear of the New Year: God Holds Your Future”

  1. Thankful to step into this new year 2023 with faith that God has given us, because He promised in his Word:
    “……And surely I am with you always, to the very end
    of the age.” Matthew 28:20

    Love the faith of your child about not fearing the leopards because God is here. ?♥️✝️

  2. Happy new Year, Lauren. Oh that child like faith, a faith without question!! Would that we all could hang onto that throughout our lives come good times or bad. Praise God that he sends the children to remind us. ? God bless you and your family throughout the coming year.

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