What is the one thing every teenager wants most? A new car? The latest iPhone? A 55-inch TV with an Xbox Series X, all right in his own bedroom?
How about independence?
Your teen years are when you finally start to spread your wings. You get your driver’s license, a job, perhaps a later curfew. Soon, you’ll go off to college and live away from home for the first time, maybe sign your first apartment lease. You’ll make big decisions for yourself and do the things someone else once handled for you.
And it feels great.
God wired us for independence. We’re not supposed to continue relying on our parents for food, clothes and a place to live. In order to become useful citizens in society, we need to get up and go!
But there’s one from whom you should never try to break free: God. To truly survive and thrive, you must live in total dependence on God.
Hi, I’m Lauren Thell, author of Christian YA fiction and blogger for teens who are ready to exceed the world’s expectations.
=In This Article
Connect to the Vine
Christians are often accused of being weak—of using our faith as a “crutch” and running to God when we’re scared instead of fighting the demons with our own wits (or befriending the demons, as is often the case nowadays). Sometimes we even question total dependence on God ourselves:
“What do I need God for? Look at what I’ve accomplished without him. He only gets in the way of me getting what I want.”
What does Jesus say about that?
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.”
John 15:5
According to Jesus, we are as dependent on God as a branch is on its vine. No one calls a branch weak for relying on its vine. In fact, saying it should be independent is foolish. A branch without a vine is a dead branch, easily trampled underfoot.
And just like a branch freshly cut from a vine looks alive and healthy for a while, a person living independent of God may succeed for a time. But the same destination befalls both: death and destruction.
Don’t let that happen to you. Stay on the vine where you can produce good fruit!
Total Dependence on God = NOT the Same as Laziness
Continuing with our vine analogy…
What happens to a branch that does not produce fruit? As proud owner of some very vigorous grape vines, I know the answer to this one: It’s cut off. No mercy. The branch fails to yield fruit is removed to make room for it’s fruit-bearing brothers and sisters.
Anyone who sees dependence on God as an excuse for laziness has missed the point. Jesus doesn’t invite us to remain on the vine so we can bask in the sun and wait for the rain. We are there to bear much fruit. He’s giving us the chance to participate, to take action and see results.
In short, your job is to work hard and leave the worrying to him.
More on this: What does the Bible say about Laziness? (article by 412 Teens)
How to Stay Dependent on Jesus
Spend time in the Bible. Lots of time.
God’s Word is the only way to keep you aligned with God’s will, and there is no substitute for it. (See Read Your Bible Every Day: A Feast For the Soul.)
Spend dedicated time in prayer.
Mealtime prayers are a good start, but don’t stop there! You’ve been granted an audience with the king. Never forget what a privilege that is. To incorporate different types of prayer into your praying habits, see How to Have a Richer Prayer Life.
Spend dedicated time in worship.
Yep, here it comes again: You absolutely need to go to church! It’s not optional. Gather with other Christians, confess your sins, lift your voice in praise, hear his Word, let him change you. And let that praise continue in your heart for the rest of the weak. Church is not just another option for worship, it’s where worship begins.
Surround yourself with others who are dependent on Jesus.
The wrong company can convince you to be the branch that leaves the tree. But remember what their fate will be. Don’t let it be yours. Check out 8 Ways to Encourage Your Friends in Their Faith for more on lifting each other up.
Go out and do the work God has given you to do.
Total dependence on God does not mean sitting around and waiting for him to drop things in your lap. He made you a capable being so you can experience the satisfaction of work well done and participate in the carrying out of his will. Go put in the time and see how he blesses your work.
More on Independence and Dependence on God
You don’t have to have all the answers.
But, hey, why not?
Bring me your questions about faith, life, God, the Bible… and I’ll help you find the answers.
Independence in work and finances makes you a useful citizen instead of a drain on society. But if you really want to produce good fruit, stay dependent on the vine—Jesus!
For more:
- Life After High School: Just Pick Something And Do It!
- Why You Can Trust God Instead of Freaking Out
- What it Looks Like to Fully Rely On God (And Not Yourself) – article from Deep Spirituality
Great message. I love the tomato garden analogy. 🙂
Great message on staying connected to our Savior Jesus and what happens if we fall away or forget about the most precious gift He has given us.
Another great message!
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