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Life’s Trials Are Not What Make Your Faith Stronger

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

Kelly Clarkson may not have been the first to say that line, but no one can deny she made it popular. It’s become a motto of resilience, a fight song for those battling a test in life. The assumption is if you survive whatever it is you’re dealing with, you’ll be stronger and better than before.


Kelly Clarkson certainly has her philosophical moments (and a great set of pipes), but in this case I believe she got it wrong. It’s not what you survive that makes you stronger. 

It’s turning to God during the battle that makes you stronger.

Hi, I’m Lauren Thell, author of Christian YA fiction and blogger for teens who are ready to exceed the world’s expectations.


Consider the man who became an alcoholic after a personal tragedy, or the girl swamped by depression after a major heartbreak. Think of the boy who now sits in jail because he brought a gun to school after falling victim to bullying. Do you think any one of them would declare themself to stronger because of what they went through?

The Queen of “What Doesn’t Kill You” also sang “Because of You” in response to her parents’ divorce—and she wasn’t talking about how it made her better.

In a two-minute devotion from Time of Grace, Pastor Jared points out that your body doesn’t build strength while you are lifting weights. Weightlifting creates microtears in your muscles that, for all it seems, should actually make you weaker. When you rest, however, your body repairs the tears, building up muscle mass.

Therefore, strength is built during moments of rest, not movement.


Whatever you’re going through, whether it be illness or injury, trouble at school, or relationship issues, those are not the things that make your faith stronger. If that were true, a lot more people would be deep-soul Christians. No, faith builds when you seek rest and hope in God’s promises.

Life’s trials don’t have to kill you to defeat you. They just have to tear you apart. But when you go to God, the Holy Spirit mends your faith, making it—and you as a whole—stronger than before.

Trouble will come, you can be sure of it. But don’t kid yourself by thinking all I have to do is survive this and I’ll be stronger. It’s God who makes you stronger. Seek him in his Word, and you will find a strength that surpasses all human wisdom.


make your faith stronger Christian teen

“The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation.” Exodus 15:2

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.” Psalm 28:7

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“The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights.” Habakkuk 3:19

Make Your Faith Stronger: For Further Reading

1 thought on “Life’s Trials Are Not What Make Your Faith Stronger”

  1. Breathe, be still and know that God hears and is with you through all trials and circumstances. Faith in Him gives strength. ??✝️

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