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Closer to God: How to Have a Heart of Praise

Heart = the central or innermost part of something.

Praise = the expression of admiration for someone or something

Heart of praise = the state of being in constant admiration for someone—namely, God—deep down in your innermost parts.

Does this describe you? Whenever someone asks how to get closer to God, I first point out James 4:8, which says “Come near to God and he will come near to you.” Unlike the children’s game Hide-and-Seek, God doesn’t make you do all the work in finding him. He longs to draw closer to you too.

So how do you come near to God? A big part of it is in developing a heart of praise.

Hi, I’m Lauren Thell, author of Christian YA fiction and blogger for teens who are ready to exceed the world’s expectations.

Acquiring a Heart of Praise

“You see what you want to see.” Or, sometimes the saying is, “You hear what you want to hear.” Either way, the moral is the same: You will always find what you’re looking for in life. If two people are selecting an apple for a snack, one might say, “Look at this bruise! This apple is no good.” The other might look at the very same apple and say, “Look at the beautiful, shiny red skin! This apple is perfect!” 

Another example is this quote: “Two prisoners looked out of prison bars; one saw mud, the other saw stars.”

This is an important concept to remember when you’re trying to cultivate a heart of praise (or a heart of gratitude, for that matter. They go hand in hand). Do you feel like praising God right now? Why not?

How can a person feel constant praise for God amidst the grit and grime of life?

Change Your Perspective

When you step outside, what do you see? Are the trees bare, having already lost their leaves for the winter? Maybe it’s cloudy and there’s a breeze with a chilly bite to it and you just want to go back inside and curl up under a blanket and try again another day?

It’s time to change what you see.

Imagine for a moment that the trees shaking in the breeze are clapping their hands in praise of their Creator and, when a particularly strong gust of wind comes, they’re bowing at his feet. Do the stones on the ground look drab and uninteresting?

Look closer and see their various colors up close. Some even have sparkles and when the sun hits them, they shout out with glittery light. Now look at the clouds blanketing the sky. At one time, you might have called that dreary. But do you see it now? They’re spreading themselves at God’s feet, and when they churn in the sky, they’re dancing, because how can something sit still when it’s so close to God?

See the World for What it Truly Is

You don’t have to imagine this, because it’s real and it’s really happening all around you. See what the Psalms say:

Psalm 98:7-8
Psalm 148:3-4

If you keep reading in Psalm 148, you’ll find the sea creatures, the lightning and hail; the mountains and fruit trees and cows; birds, kings and young children; all of these are praising God. 

That’s right, the whole earth is praising God and declaring his glory, right before your eyes. You just have to look for it.

When you start seeing the world this way, instead of focusing on the gloom and sorrow, you will find it impossible to not feel praise in your heart. You will also realize you are not alone in praising him.

Psalm 19:1

Look at the stars, not the mud, and you will discover a heart that longs to praise the King. 

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More on Cultivating a Heart of Praise and Gratitude

1 thought on “Closer to God: How to Have a Heart of Praise”

  1. Love this! I have often said that my poplar trees have “jazz hands” when the breezes blow. Haha. Thanks for the encouraging reminder.

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