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How Do I Know if I Am Acceptable to God?

“Am I good enough for God?”

For some, it’s not a question of salvation or love. You believe the sentiment behind the children’s song “Jesus Loves Me,” you can quote John 3:16 from memory and, when asked about your salvation, can answer with a definite “Yes, I’m going to heaven when I die.”

The problem is you feel loved by but not acceptable to God. (And yes, those are two different things.) You walk through life with the feeling that God is utterly disgusted with you for not living up to his standards.

But are they his standards?

Lauren Thell, author of YA Christian Fiction

How to Please God: The Phantom Christian

Sometimes the standards we hold ourselves to come from what Bob George, in his book Classic Christianity, calls the “Phantom Christian.”

The Phantom Christian gets up at four in the morning for two hours of uninterrupted prayer and Bible reading, during which she is alert and engaged the entire time. Then she goes for a five-mile run, eats a perfect, food-pyramid-balanced breakfast, and arrives at school with a smile on her face. During the day, she is kind and patient with everyone and effectively witnesses to her entire cafeteria table. She has all the right answers during the creation vs. evolution debate in biology and successfully defends the underdog from the school bully in PE. And by the way, she’s in the top five percent of her class. 

am I good enough for God? Christian teen

After school, she leads an hour-long Bible study for student athletes, then shares her faith with members of an opposing team—on court, no less. She does all her chores without being asked and spends another two hours in prayer and meditation. And that’s just her daily schedule. During spring break, she’ll be caring for orphans in Mexico and organizing a shoe drive for victims of the latest overseas earthquake.

If this imaginary person (who could never accomplish all that in a day, by the way) is who you compare yourself to, it’s no wonder you feel like you could never be acceptable to God.

So, How Acceptable Am I to God?

Where do you think you fall on God’s Scale of Acceptability?

Are you as loved and acceptable to God as your best Christian friend? What about the late evangelist Billy Graham? If you and your friend are about 50% acceptable, Billy Graham must be 70% acceptable, right? What about the apostle Paul, who surely must be at least 85% acceptable? Are you as loved and accepted by God as him?

What about Jesus Christ? Are you as loved and accepted by God as Jesus Christ, the only one to ever earn a perfect 100%?

I’ve got news that will shock your socks off:

You are as loved and acceptable to God as Jesus Christ.

Sound blasphemous? That’s because you don’t really believe it in your heart and, therefore, haven’t been living the life you could have. But take a look at what 2 Corinthians 5:21 says:

Not 50% or 80% or 99.99999% righteous. If you believe in Jesus Christ as your savior, you are 100% righteous in God’s eyes, both now on earth and later in heaven.

Take a moment to let that sink in, then put your socks back on and continue reading.

Let the Truth of God’s Grace Sink In

The problem for many believers is that we subconsciously believe justification by faith only applies to where we go after we die while God’s acceptance here and now is based on our performance.

That’s not at all what the Bible teaches.

Our time of need is right now, here on earth where temptation, evil, sadness, and depression lurk. 

Again, the word “confidence.” Only those acceptable to God can approach him with confidence, and the way to become that is through Jesus. God wants us to trust him and his Word when he says Jesus has done it all.

Note that this doesn’t mean our actions are acceptable. God accepts you as his child but like any loving father, he won’t hesitate to discipline you when your actions are dangerous to your soul. You will still be his beloved child and nothing you do will alter that.

The Life of Someone 100% Acceptable to God

What kind of life can you live now that you’ve answered the question “Am I good enough for God?” with a resounding yes?

A life of freedom, that’s what.

acceptable to God

You can strive for success in school and work for the sake of making a difference, not because you must earn a certain merit to be acceptable to God. (Read more in Life After High School: Just Pick Something And Do It!)

You will enjoy reading the Bible and meditating on his Word as a way to connect with your Heavenly Father, not as an obligation on your to-do list. And you can go about it at your own pace—no more pushing to achieve 15 chapters a day! (For help with this, check out Wrong Ways to Read the Bible—That You Might Be Doing.)

Worship becomes more meaningful without the dark clouds of judgment hanging overhead. Your heart is free to truly rejoice. (Learn more in From Silence to Song: How to Find Your Heart of Praise.)

Witnessing to others will be more effective because your faith is authentic and your freedom in Christ more evident. See how that works in Let Your Life Be a Glimpse of God’s Glory.

Self-confidence ceases to be an issue! When you realize that you are 100% acceptable to God, no one else’s opinion matters anymore. Get a boost in 20 Awesome Things Christian Teens Can Take Pride In.

Your personal battle against sin will tip in your favor. Temptation won’t disappear but sin loses its luster when you have tasted the freedom of living in God’s acceptance. Plus, you can confidently approach him for help. Check out How to Resist Temptation: A Christian Teen’s Battle Plan.

Doesn’t that sound awesome? This is the power of Christ in you!

Keep in mind: If you’ve lived your entire life thinking you need to earn God’s acceptance, it might take a while for you to let go of that feeling. But don’t give up. This is what it means to be free.

So be free!

Accepted by God: More Resources for Teens

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Check out these other posts on justification by faith and God’s unconditional love!

And now that you know that you are 100% acceptable to God, it’s time to show a little love in return:

2 thoughts on “How Do I Know if I Am Acceptable to God?”

  1. What an amazing gift is God’s Grace and so absolutely true. All about what Jesus has done!
    Beautiful, thank you Lauren??♥️✝️

  2. Now that I put my socks back on I will say thank you once again for another awe inspiring message. Amazing grace, Indeed! God bless you and your ministry, Lauren.

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