Have you ever glanced around church on a Sunday morning and wondered, “Where are all the people my age?” If you’re a teen or twenty-something, the unfortunate answer is, among your generation, real Christian faith has become less and less popular. The reasons are long and varied, but for those standing on the fence, the pull from the other side is strong. Maybe you even see it in your own friends.
So what can you do to encourage your friends in their faith?
Hi, I’m Lauren Thell, author of Christian YA fiction and blogger for teens who are ready to exceed the world’s expectations.
=In This Article
Real Ways to Encourage Your Friends In Their Faith
1) Build up a faith that exudes joy.
Rejoice always.
1 Thessalonians 5:16
Know someone who’s so filled with joy for Jesus you find yourself in awe of her—and maybe a little jealous?
Why not become that person?
Every Christian knows everlasting life comes through believing in Jesus as your savior, but only those who truly know God can experience the genuine, pure joy found only in him. Fortunately, he makes that possible for everyone, including peons like you and me. Start with my post A Rare Treasure: Discover True Christian Joy for more on this.
The best way to encourage your friends in their faith is to demonstrate evidence of that faith yourself. Pray, worship, read your Bible, and keep company with other Christians. When your friends see the joy of Jesus in you, they will want it as well.
2) Grow your faith together.
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds…
Hebrews 10:24
Have you ever considered starting a small Bible study group with your friends? Now might be the time to do it. Gather your friends, grab some sodas and snacks, kick back in your favorite place to lounge, and pull out your Bibles. Read, discuss, and encourage questions. If you don’t have the answers, steer them to an older Christian who does. This kind of group can be a safe place for a friend whose faith is in limbo to voice her struggles.
Related: Trouble Understanding the Bible? Get Help!
3) Serve God together.
…warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak…
1 Thessalonians 5:14
Serving takes your focus off yourself and your desires and places it on the needs of others. When you’re feeding the homeless, collecting toys for kids in the foster care program, or cleaning up storm damage for a battered town, your focus is more apt to hone in on the bigger picture of God’s ministry. And bringing your friends along as you serve will encourage their faith as well.
Check out my post Be Grateful, Not Entitled: Serve Without Expecting Thanks.
4) Don’t wimp out under peer pressure.
…hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil.
1 Thessalonians 5:21-22
Peer pressure is a beast. No one likes to stand out too much. But never cave to the pressure to do something that you know is wrong, even in the name of helping a friend. The real way to help your friend grow her own faith is to stand up for your beliefs and your morals, and encourage her to do the same alongside you.
The more friends you have who stand up for their faith, the less alone you all will be. See my post Sequins or Diamonds? When Sin Looks Attractive.
5) Invite your friends to worship.
…not giving up meeting together, but encouraging one another…
Hebrews 10:25
A Christian who is not in the habit of regular worship with other Christians will struggle. That’s not up for debate.
Don’t fall for one of Satan’s favorite tactics, which is to convince Christians that church isn’t necessary. It is necessary, and if you have a friend who is struggling with his faith, inviting him to worship with you could make all the difference.
We were made for fellowship with other believers. Don’t discount the power of church worship. See my post Why Young Christians Absolutely Need to Go To Church.
6) Confront sin with love.
Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death…
James 5:20
Another of Satan’s favorite tactics is to convince you that, as a Christian, it is wrong to judge others. But the truth, as stated in the above verse, is that you must judge the actions of other believers because to not do so would be to allow them to continue on the path to hell, and that is not loving. Friends don’t let friends go to hell.
The Bible speaks against self-righteous judgement—the plank in your eye, where you stand there pointing your finger at everyone else while ignoring your own sin. But if you see a friend swimming in dangerous waters, God wants you to gently and firmly guide her back to safety.
For more on this: How to Confront a Friend Who Keeps on Sinning.
7) Pray for your friends.
…pray continually…
1 Thessalonians 5:17
Prayer is still the most powerful thing you can do for a friend. But don’t just pray once and call it good. Pray continually. Pray without ceasing. If you have a friend whose faith is floundering, bring her right to Jesus in prayer and don’t give up until she turns back.
Related: Why Should I Keep Praying for an Unbelieving Friend?
8) Encourage your friends in their faith with love.
…love one another deeply, from the heart.
1 Peter 1:22
You cannot love your friends enough. Encourage your friends in their faith by flooding them with your love, which comes to you through Jesus’ love.
Related: How to Really, Truly Know God Loves You.
Take it Further
You don’t have to have all the answers.
But, hey, why not?
Bring me your questions about faith, life, God, the Bible… and I’ll help you find the answers.
You may have noticed I used a lot of passages from 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 in this post. Check out that whole section to encourage your pursuit of holiness!