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The Difference Between God and Santa? Amazing Grace.

*He knows when you’ve been sleeping. He knows when you’re awake. He knows if you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness’ sake!*

What’s the difference between God and Santa (besides the fact that the first one is real and the second one is fantasy)? Technically, they each have their own version of “Naughty” and “Nice” lists, right? And they judge your every move to decide which one you belong on…

Which list bears your name? 

Hi, I’m Lauren Thell, author of Christian YA fiction and blogger for teens who are ready to exceed the world’s expectations.


Take the Test: Naughty or Nice?

Maybe you’ve been pretty good this year. You cleaned your room when Mom asked you to, didn’t mouth off to Dad as much, and held back from hitting your little brother when he broke your earbuds. You got A’s and B’s at school, never missed an assignment, and earned Employee of the Month at your job. You put money in the collection plate, sent Valentines to elderly church members, and didn’t cheat on your boyfriend.

Okay, so perhaps you snapped at your brother a lot, regularly gossiped about one of your friends, and let your eyes linger too long on a hot guy who wasn’t your boyfriend. Santa will understand … right?

What if he takes into account all the times your heart wasn’t in the right place, or the times you were envious of someone, or the times you blew off a responsibility…?

difference between God and Santa

Things just got a lot more complicated.

Would you still make the cut? Or is there a lump of coal in store for you after all?

This is where the difference between God and Santa comes into play.

How Good is Good Enough?

How many times can you hit your siblings or curse when you smash your finger and still be considered “good”?

How far can you go with your boyfriend?

What is the limit on the number of lies you can tell in a year?

When have you crossed the line of too many hateful thoughts?

God answered that question in Matthew 5:48:

“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

Once is too many. One lie, one word, one lustful look. You’re either perfect or you’re not—there’s no in-between.

If you somehow manage to spend the first fifty years of your life without sinning even once, then cheat the government a few pennies on your tax return, you’re on the Naughty List.

And everyone on the Naughty list belongs in hell.

Does that sound mean? It’s not, and if you consider the difference between God and Santa, you’ll understand why.

santa can teach us about God's love

Black is Black, Love is Love—and Grace is Amazing

Santa says you need to be good but he doesn’t give you an exact checklist of what “good” entails. He leaves you guessing, worrying if you’ve made the cut. And what if Santa is having a bad day when he makes his Naughty and Nice lists? He might be less likely to overlook that extra snarky remark you made to your boss.

Santa keeps you in limbo.

God, on the other hand, says you must be perfect, period. Perfect means no flaws, no weaknesses, no sins. Black is black, white is white, and gray areas do not exist. It’s all laid out so you can be certain.

Then he sent a substitute to achieve the impossible for you.

Someone who lived perfection all the way, who switched identities with you so you could assume his perfect status while he took on your flaws and brokenness. You don’t have to guess whether or not you’re “good enough” for God because you’ve been made perfect in his eyes by his own doing.

For you, heaven is guaranteed. That’s amazing grace.

difference between God and Santa

But don’t take my word for it! Find the proof in Romans 3:21-26 and Ephesians 2:1-10.

Never Doubt God’s Love For You

This excerpt comes from the most famous love passage, used in Christian weddings galore. I’ll bet even some non-Christians would recognize it. But consider the above alongside the following:

It doesn’t say that “God has love,” or “God likes love”, but “God is love.” You can’t have God without love any more than you can have the sun without heat. One is the very essence of the other. Therefore, 1 Corinthians could read something like this:

The Bible is very clear, and every story, psalm, and letter you find in it is another piece in the picture of God’s love. Remember that when you look at your life. You may not understand the struggles you’re facing, but if you look at them in the context of God’s love, you will start to see the work of his hand on your life and your heart. Never doubt God’s love for you.

Still have questions about God’s love? See How to Really, Truly Know God Loves You

The Difference Between God and Santa: Jolly Grandpa or Heavenly Father?

never doubt God's love for you

The difference between God and Santa is huge. Santa is the merry grandpa with a rosy smile and a jolly ho-ho laugh. But it’s God, your Heavenly Father, who loves you enough to make his laws clear before bathing you in his gospel. You’re on the Nice List—the Perfect List—because of him.

May you cling to that promise as we celebrate our savior’s birth this Christmas!

For Further Reading:

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2 thoughts on “The Difference Between God and Santa? Amazing Grace.”

  1. What joy, what comfort and peace we have in Jesus.
    Merry Christmas, Lauren, Brian and family and a blessed New Year!

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