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Feeling Left Out? Remember This When Sin Looks Attractive

The Cost of Following Christ, Part 1

You’re a Christian who wants to follow God’s commands. Really, you do. You study the Bible, you go to church, you pray. You try not to swear, lie, cheat, or commit adultery . . . Then you look at your unbelieving friends (or the ones who call themselves Christian but don’t take it seriously) and you see them doing whatever they want and, quite frankly, you’re jealous.

Not only are they having a good time, they’re thriving and successful. People look up to them. And you’re feeling left out.

“They look like they’re having so much fun! I want to join them.”

I can’t be the only one who sometimes struggles with this.

The truth is, sometimes sin doesn’t seem dirty or gross—or even wrong at all. Sometimes, sin looks attractive, grabbing our interest like the glittery sequins on an evening gown.

But are you lusting for cheap plastic when you could have real diamonds?

Lauren Thell, author of YA Christian Fiction

Sequins: The Deadly Allure of Sin

Your sister lives with her boyfriend and they have such a great relationship you can’t help but envy her. Meanwhile, your parents—who waited until marriage—are divorced. And you’re thinking, Why suffer through all the fuss of saving sex for marriage if it doesn’t work anyway?

Sometimes it’s not the allure of sin that tips you into the temptation’s clutches, but the unappealing nature of virtue. No joke, the Christian life is a lesson in denying yourself some very strong cravings. You don’t get to watch the movies everyone else watches or indulge in every new fashion trend involving leggings and crop tops. You have to censor your language and curb your desire to let it all hang out.

And there’s a list of rules nine miles long when it comes to dating.

when sin looks attractive

Worse, just because you do it all right, doesn’t mean everything will go well for you (as your parents aptly demonstrated).

Following Jesus requires tremendous sacrifice.

Or does it?

Diamonds: What You Get When You Trade in Your Sequins

According to Merriam-Webster, one definition of sacrifice is the “destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else.” So, yes, you’re surrendering something.

But you’re gaining something better.

God didn’t make rules so we could be miserable. He made them because he knows where the diamonds are and he wants you to have them.

God didn’t make rules so we could be miserable. He made them because he knows where the diamonds are and he wants you to have them. And while Christ is the Hope Diamond of all diamonds, there are still treasures to enjoy here on Earth, marriage being one. But trying to explain why marriage is better than cohabitation is like trying to explain why Teuscher chocolates are superior to Hershey’s to someone who has never tasted Teuscher and has no idea what she’s missing.

You just have to trust until you taste it.

Related: Is It Actually Wrong to Live Together Before Marriage?

If you’re feeling the sting of sacrifice, remember this: Jesus’ sacrifice for you was far greater.

What Happens When Sin Looks Attractive

Christian teen feeling left out

Truth be told, sometimes sin feels really good. Sometimes, it even feels right and we start to wonder, “What’s so bad about this?”

What’s so bad about watching an R-rated movie if you’re 17? What’s so bad about a teenage couple having sex if they both love each other? Why does it matter what I do in private if I’m not hurting anybody?

Popular culture would have you believe if it feels right for you, then you should go for it.

But heed this warning about the appeal of sin:

Proverbs 5:1-5, condensed

Put that way, sin is nothing more than glittery sequins coating the path to hell.

A Lesson From Others Who Were Feeling Left Out

The Israelites were jealous, too, from the moment they stepped foot in the Promised Land. Everyone around them had fewer rules to follow and seemed to go about their lives merry and thriving.

“They look like they’re having so much fun. Let’s join them.”

Mission accomplished: They were just like everyone else.

They wanted to be like everyone else, so what they did do? They jumped right in. Partying, drinking, idolatry, sexual exploits—they did it all.

Then they were exiled to Babylon (see 2 Kings 24:1-21) and cut off from God. Mission accomplished, they were just like everyone else.

They lost the diamonds for their love of sequins.

The Cost of Following Christ: Holiness

Holiness is not a ball and chain, all work, no fun. In my post What Is Holiness? How Genuine Faith Goes Beyond Obedience, I talk about what holiness is and isn’t.

Holiness is not a ball and chain.

It’s not a checklist of do’s and don’ts. It’s not about “finding yourself.” But it is about being more like God and embracing righteousness. It’s a mindset that frees you from the allure of sin.

When you’ve tasted the gourmet chocolate of holiness, you will no longer desire the cheap zing of mass-produced sin. You’re not giving up “fun” as much as you’re giving up something cheap for something phenomenally and infinitely better.

Related – Happiness & Holiness: Aim High and Go For Both

Chasing the Source of Ultimate Pleasure: Jesus

No pleasure on Earth can ever satisfy your deepest desires.

The sinful soul is never satisfied. One sip turns into one glass, then one night of drunkenness. One glance turns into one stare, which evolves into a one-night stand. One movie leads to another with racier elements, until a hardcore porn addict is born.

What you thought you wanted only brought you down a spiral staircase to destruction because no pleasure on Earth can ever satisfy your deepest desires.

Only one thing can provide full satisfaction, and by choosing to walk with Christ, you’ve already found it. That doesn’t mean your life on earth will be roses and lace—or that all those other things won’t still be tempting. As a Christian, you’ll still feel left out sometimes. You might be lucky enough to have close friends who share your same ideals, but you might not.

teen Christian dating
feeling left out

But the next time you find yourself sitting on the sidelines of something you know God would not want you to do, remind yourself of Luke 6:21:

Keep your eye on the diamonds! Your future glory will surpass all the fake glitter Earth has to offer.

Pay the Price, Reap the Rewards

And now that you understand the small price to pay for holiness, are you ready to pay the ultimate cost of following Christ? Jump to part 2: Are You Ready to Pay the Highest Price?

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For more on finding true fulfillment in Christ, see my post Desiring God As the Ultimate Source of Pleasure.

And read Philippians 3:12-4:1 to help you keep your eye on the prize!