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Afraid of Silence? Why Christian Teens Don’t Need to Be

Are you afraid of silence? Does the thought of turning everything off—the radio, the TV, all your electronics—and simply listening to the air in the room sound relaxing or terrifying?

If it’s the second, technology has you covered. You can listen to a podcast during your morning jog, blast tunes from waterproof Bluetooth speakers while you shower, and fall asleep at night to Bellaruth Naparstek’s Guided Meditations (which, by the way, are amazing). Music plays while you shop. Restaurants have TVs on every wall. Hit a lull in the conversation? There’s always your phone to entertain you.

In our era of electronics, silence is an endangered species. Tech companies are thriving businesses, all because without the constant drip-line of noise, news feeds, and social engagement, we’re forced to face a beast that terrifies many of us more than big hairy spiders in teeny-tiny spaces:


Lauren Thell, author of YA Christian Fiction

The Power of Silence to Expose

It’s not difficult to figure out why we’re so afraid of silence. Silence opens the door to boredom. Suddenly, you have nothing to do with your hands—and nothing to distract your mind.

Like a preteen boy with nothing to do, an idle mind will stir up trouble.

And like a preteen boy with nothing to do, an idle mind will stir up trouble. It starts to reflect, perhaps drawing up the fear, guilt, and inadequacy you’ve managed to suppress thus far. You realize your life is not what you want it to be, that you’re not who you think you should be.

So you either wallow in the blues or reach for something to numb it. For some, that’s an illicit substance. For others, it’s binge eating, pornography, steamy romance novels, the rush of doing something dangerous …

That makes reaching for your phone or turning up the radio dial not seem so bad, right?

Noise: A Powerful Drug on the Rise

Noise is a powerful drug, too. It numbs the brain, dulls your senses, and makes you crave more and more until silence becomes the enemy. And just as the brain hindered by a foreign substance experiences impaired function, so too noise prevents you from achieving deep mindfulness and full-capacity thinking.

Are you struggling to understand that last sentence? Blame the noise in your life.

Numerous studies show the negative impact of noise—even background noise—on brain activity, learning, memory, and concentration levels. Constant noise leads to increased anxiety, poor memory, difficulty with learning, and increased accidents in the workplace.

Basically, your brain—like the Grinch—is screaming for a break from all the noise, noise, noise!

The Temporal & Spiritual Benefits of Silence For Christian Teens

Christian teens afraid of silence

I became aware of the positive power of silence one morning when I made the uncharacteristic desicion to eschew the usual music and instead exercise to the monotonous hum of the furnace. Sound horrendous? Something phenomenal happened.

Without the distraction of constant noise, I found myself focusing harder on how my body worked. I stretched deeper, lifted the weights higher, and pulled my abs tighter. By the time I finished, my muscles felt WORKED.

Noise often gives you an excuse to not fully engage. You go through the motions without really thinking about it, and the outcome is less-than-stellar.

Sometimes Satan’s best distraction isn’t even something sinful.

For the Christian, however, noise isn’t just a barrier to comprehension and performance. Noise prevents you from hearing the very voice of God. You can’t meditate on him and his Word when your brain is distracted by the noise of life.

Sometimes, Satan’s best distraction isn’t even something sinful.

Learn more about the importance of silence as a spiritual discipline in Turn Down the Volume! How to Hear God’s Voice.

The solution is obvious: turn it off. Turn off the phone, unplug the television, silence the radio. Then listen to the sound of nothing and see what happens.

What feelings rise to the surface when you find yourself in a moment of solitude? Does the boredom become unbearable? Do unpleasant thoughts, memories, and emotions suddenly make an unwelcome entrance? This is normal. Don’t suppress them. Just feel them.

Then embrace the truth

Why Christian Teens Don’t Need to Be Afraid of Silence

power of silence for Christian teens

This is super important so make sure you’re paying attention: For the Christian, silence is nothing more than a paper tiger—a laughably benign creature with a fearful appearance. Because everything your head is telling you about how you’re not good enough and your life has no meaning is a lie.

Through his sacrifice on the cross, Jesus made you perfect. He switched your disgracefulness with his pure, unblemished record: 

Ephesians 2:4-6

Silence gives you the chance to take those feelings of fear, shame, and inadequacy and set them before God, where they belong. He has already made you whole. Guilt and shame have no place in your heart. “Unworthy” no longer describes you. You have no reason to run from your internal demons. Hand them to Jesus and let your brain embrace the calming power of silence.

Learn more about your complete salvation in What is the Most Difficult Christian Belief to Accept? and Your Identity is in Christ: See How God Sees You.

Christian teens afraid of silence

Bible Verses to Meditate on During Moments of Silence

Really, any scripture will work, but these are a few effective Bible verses to meditate on when silence causes your demons to surface.

Meet God In the Silence!

Trust me, it’s not when you have your phone in hand that your “Aha!” moment will arrive. It’s during times of quiet prayer and Biblical reflection that God’s promises will sink into your heart and take root. No amount of noise—texts, tweets, or likes—can fill the gaps in your soul. Only God can do that.

It’s time to divorce those lies that have you scrambling to fill the silence and declare, as Francesca Batistelli does in The Breakup Song, “Fear, you don’t own me.” Then sit back and let the peace of God which transcends all understanding guard your mind in Christ Jesus.

May you always face silence in eager anticipation of what God might whisper in your ear!

Spiritual Disciplines for Teens: More Resources

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Silence is a spiritual discipline that couples well with other spiritual disciplines. Keep your spiritual growth going with these other posts:

1 thought on “Afraid of Silence? Why Christian Teens Don’t Need to Be”

  1. Yes! Silence is golden especially with the busy days we face not only during this season but on our day to day work and schedules. It is a great time to reflect, talk to God and “re-start.” Thank you, Lauren for your writing to remind us of the importance of silence and pointing to the verses in the Bible to help us with that. God Bless.

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