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Christian Teen & Young Adult Blog—Fuel For Your Faith

clean classic books for teens

Great YA Literature: Clean Classic Books For Teens

What defines classic literature?  It pretty much boils down to one premise: Works of classic literature transcend time. More than just brilliant writing, classics generally offer revelatory insight into universal themes like love, morality, and adversity, and often include a gripping plot or intensely evocative time period or place. Many… Read More »Great YA Literature: Clean Classic Books For Teens

The Best YA Christian Fiction Thrillers, Suspense, and Horror Novels

YA Christian Fiction Thrillers, Suspense, & Horror: 10 Books to Keep You on Edge

Adrenaline-packed fiction doesn’t have to compromise faith.  If you’re the kind of bookworm who likes the feel of your heart slamming against your ribcage but sometimes forgoes the latest horror flick on account of questionable content, I’ve got you covered. The five YA Christian fiction thrillers, suspense novels, and horror… Read More »YA Christian Fiction Thrillers, Suspense, & Horror: 10 Books to Keep You on Edge

nonfiction books on dating for Christian teens

10 Terrific Nonfiction Books On Dating For Christian Teens

“Dating is probably the most important aspect of a single person’s life.” -quote by Author Linda Sunshine Whether or not you agree with Ms. Sunshine’s statement, no one can deny that single people have dating on the brain. Consider the number of books about dating, love, and romance on the… Read More »10 Terrific Nonfiction Books On Dating For Christian Teens

teens embrace digital minimalism

The Magic of Digital Minimalism: See What Happens When You Put Down Your Phone

Ever been the only “sober” person in a digital party? It’s not all that different from being the only sober person at a wedding reception. Everyone around you is blitzed and they’re getting loud and they think they’re funny but they’re too drunk to realize how stupid they sound and… Read More »The Magic of Digital Minimalism: See What Happens When You Put Down Your Phone