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Why Christian Teens Must Always, Always Be on Guard

It’s a powerful promise wrapped inside a vivid picture: “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” To “flee” something is not to back away cautiously or make a casual retreat. Fleeing implies an act of desperation—a high-tailed, heart-pounding race from danger.

If you resist the devil, he will flee from you. YOU have the power to make Satan run for his life. Imagine that for a moment. Let it sink in.

Resistance—a very basic act—makes a formidable weapon in the battle against evil. But it only works if you know you’re being assaulted, and that’s where Satan has the upper hand. You don’t know how or when he’s going to attack. Sometimes he knocks the weapon right out of your hand before you even have a chance to use it.

Which is why it’s of utmost importance that Christians always, always be on guard.

Lauren Thell, author of YA Christian Fiction

The Moments of Greatest Threat Come When You Least Expect It

Satan prowls constantly. He sits on your shoulder, whispers in your ear, and weasels his way into your head. But have you ever noticed how it’s worse on Sunday mornings at church? Or whenever you pick up your Bible to read? Or when you pray before meals and can’t seem to focus on the words?

Resistance makes a formidable weapon in the battle against evil. But it only works if you know you’re being attacked.

There’s a reason for this.

Satan is a master of distraction, and he doesn’t play fair. He’ll do anything he can to keep you from giving your full attention to God. He doesn’t want you to draw closer to God because then you’ll be able to resist him. So when he finds you in an act of worship, he’ll use every weapon in his vast arsenal to get inside your head, commandeer your thoughts, and keep your mind far from worship even when your body is physically present.

It’s worse than having a gremlin on your shoulder.

Recognize the Warning Signs and Act

One day, I went to church knowing I was going to fail. I had a lot on my mind, I’d just read an intriguing work of fiction that had my author’s mind spinning (one of my great weaknesses), and it would’ve been so easy to put everything on autopilot. To let my tongue speak the prayers and sing the hymns while my mind went for a joy ride—with Satan acting as conductor.

Satan will do anything to keep you from giving your full attention to God.

And because I was so aware of my weakness in that moment, I fought it.


I prayed for help. I focused my eyes on every word I sang, made myself ponder every prayer I spoke, forced myself to engage and drink in every sentence the minister said. I resisted the devil, hoping he would flee from me. It was hard, but I did it—with God’s help.

The Danger of Letting Down Your Guard

That day, I made the decision to resist because it was so obvious what would happen if I didn’t. But Satan’s presence in our lives isn’t always so obvious. Some days, you’ll find yourself becoming complacent. Your sins don’t seem so bad, your life is flowing along smoothly, and you’ll let down your guard.

When this happens, you essentially turn into a robotic Christian, going through the motions of prayer and worship while secretly harboring some worldly pleasure that at first seems benign.

Sound familiar?

Always Be On Guard: A Call to Arms

Mountain lions are one of the few animals who will attack unprovoked. Like a housecat that can’t resist the moth that flutters by, a mountain lion sometimes can’t resist the urge to jump at an unsuspecting hiker.

You are never a greater threat to Satan as when you’re worshipping at church, reading your Bible, or praying.

This describes Satan to a tee. He’s looking to cause trouble, and his favorite people to devour are Christians. You are never a greater threat to him as when you’re worshipping at church, reading your Bible, or praying.

And he knows this, so his attacks become more personal.

This isn’t a call for you to just evict that one pet sin you cling to. This is an urgent warning to you, my Christian friend, to always be on guard.

Be alert always. Be prepared for him to lunge at you, not just on the days when you feel weak but—and perhaps especially—on the days when you feel strong.

Resist the lion, and cling to the Lamb!

Bible Verses to Help You Resist the Devil

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Many, many verses in the Bible talk about resisting temptation, but here are a few, besides the above, to get you started:

So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.

Galatians 5:16-17

Psalm 119:9-16

Ephesians 6:10-18

For practical matters, check out Tim Challies’ article 10 Ways to Resist the Devil, which highlights exact things you can do to make the devil flee.

Send him running!