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Dear Young Woman, Abortion is the Wrong Right to Fight For

Young Woman, you are worth more than you ask for.

When Roe vs. Wade—the infamous ruling that legalized abortion in the United States—was overturned in June 2022, many were led to believe women’s rights took a giant step backward. Despite the shake-up, the battle hasn’t changed. Pro-choice and pro-life advocates still go toe-to-toe on political grounds daily, and probably will until eternity. So you might be wondering:

What does the future hold for me and other members of my gender?

I want you to see that it’s okay. Abortion is the wrong right to fight for. Because when it comes to women’s rights, Young Woman, you could have so much more.

Lauren Thell, author of YA Christian Fiction

Why Abortion is the Wrong Right to Fight For

It’s a classic case of aiming for the wrong bullseye. We’re trading insults, pointing fingers, and drawing battle lines, all over a medical procedure that not only is completely violating and degrading, but fails to even touch the real issue. Political leaders want abortion to stay on the table not because they truly value women, but because it’s a quick solution. In truth, they have no idea how to address the underlying problems—the erosion of family values, the devaluation of human life—that lead a desperate young woman to seek an abortion.

In doing so, they fail to acknowledge that women have deeper needs. In fact, the fight has gone on so long, even women like you and me are losing their sense of the amazing intricacies that make the female gender so unique.

It breaks my heart. But you don’t have to settle.

Women’s Rights to Fight For Instead

The Right to Be Loved

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.

Romans 12:9

Do you know what love is, Young Woman? Do you get to experience it every day?

Consider this common scenario. Boy tells Girl he loves her. Girl gives herself, body and mind, to Boy. Girl becomes pregnant. Boy tells Girl he’s not ready for this. Boy drives Girl to the local abortion clinic where doctors violate her body, just so he doesn’t have to be responsible.

That isn’t love, Young Woman.

What is love?

1 Corinthians 13 lays out the qualities of love. Love is patient and kind, yes, but it’s also not self-seeking. Love always protects, always perseveres.

Even when it’s not convenient.

Wouldn’t you rather be loved like that, Young Woman? Wouldn’t you rather have a man who stands with you, who protects you, and assumes responsibility for you, for better or worse, through mistakes and hardships?

Abortion is the wrong right to fight for. Fight for love insted.

abortion is the wrong right to fight for

The Right to Be Respected

Rewind for a moment and consider what activity leads to the need for an abortion: physical intimacy, usually outside the confines of a loving marriage. Yes, Young Woman, people make mistakes, but …

Why allow a man to use you like that? Why give yourself over to someone who hasn’t the slightest inkling of your worth and doesn’t care to find out?

Your body comes with a mind and soul. Don’t give yourself to anyone who isn’t willing to work for and defend all three.

Never let anyone treat your body like a playground, amusement park, or Las Vegas stage. You don’t have to give yourself over to the first boy who demands it.

Fight for respect. You are a whole person, not just a body. Your body comes with a mind and soul. Don’t give yourself to anyone—including a doctor in a clinic—who isn’t willing to sacrifice for and defend all three.

Perhaps the problem is a lack of respect for yourself. You think you’re not good enough to expect respect from someone else. Young Woman, push pause and read my post about how priceless you are. You are not a Barbie manufactured on an assembly line with ten thousand other exact look-alikes. You are wonderfully made, so unique that there never has been or will be another exactly like you (see Psalm 139).

Don’t sell yourself short. Abortion is the wrong right to fight for. Fight for respect.

The Right to Meaningful Relationships

Meaningful relationships are built on mutual trust, love, and respect. It’s the difference between a house built of brick, and one fashioned out of paper mâchĂ©.

Meaningful relationships are built on mutual trust, love, and respect, Young Woman. It’s the difference between a house built of brick, and one fashioned out of paper mâchĂ©. Make the world see you as an equal player in your relationships, not as a passenger going for a ride.

You have thoughts and feelings, desires, dreams, fears. You want a partner who treats you as an equal, not as a disposable plastic toy.

Don’t fight for abortion, Young Woman. Fight for a culture that teaches young men to build solid brick relationships with women and their own children.

The Right to Appropriate Care

abortion is the wrong right to fight for

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19

Are you aware of the physical effects abortion has on a woman’s body? How about the emotional? You won’t find them listed on a political campaign ad because abortion is a violation of everything it means to be woman. Yet, so many people want you to think you want this.

Abortion is a violation of everything it means to be woman, yet so many people want you to think you want this.

Abortion is the “easy” answer (albeit, one with tough consequences). Our leaders don’t know what else to do with a young woman facing an unwanted pregnancy. It’s easy to shove her into an abortion clinic and declare the problem solved. But when the clinic spits her back out, she’s on her own to deal with the aftershock.

This isn’t right, and you, Young Woman, should not settle for that. You and all women deserve proper care—medical, emotional, spiritual—that values the whole person.

Your Body is a Temple. Don’t Forget It.

Don’t let the world make you think you should want this! Abortion is the wrong right to fight for. By fighting for the right to abort, you give up so many greater, more valuable rights that could be yours.

Young Woman, you are worth more than you ask for.

Resources For a Teen Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy

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4 thoughts on “Dear Young Woman, Abortion is the Wrong Right to Fight For”

  1. Exactly! The wrong right to fight for….Very well written and and beautiful Bible verses to keep in ones heart.

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